Jessica Abraham

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Things you must take care of when you choose a school for your child

Things you must take care of when you choose a school for your child

Post By : Jessica Abraham

Post Rank : 1389th

Category : Social-Mania

Sub Category : General News

25 Aug 2014

The child spends almost 8 hours in school so it is necessary to provide the school psychological atmosphere.
With the impending school year begins the search for the appropriate school for your child, whether his freshman year or who wants to change his son's school to find out what is the best and most suitable for the development and improvement of intellectual and creative abilities of children.

Here begins the puzzling and difficult stage and getting lost among the huge number of schools, where the intervention of several criterion for determining the most appropriate school choice, in terms of proximity to your home or place of business of one of the parents, office hours, teaching staff, the school expanded and much cleaner etc.

But the parents take 5 basic standards and not be overlooked, even in preference to the rest of the criteria because of its importance for the child, as follows:

1. Psychological comfort and good treatment:

The child in the school approximately 8 hours, equivalent to one third of his day, so it is necessary to provide psychological atmosphere for school children, by embracing them and treated with friendly and contribute to a balanced character creation in children without the disorder.
You can discover this by first impression when visiting the school, and is best visited during office hours to see the children and how the crew works with the school, where the faces of these children can learn the general atmosphere both for joy or angry, or crying, or otherwise.
There are many parents to register their children in school during summer school activities clubs to experience the atmosphere and comfort their children in school, it is considered as a very useful experience.

If you have any doubts about the school, please do not hesitate to ask the parents of children enrolled in school, or even raise your questions and your inquiries and your feedback to school officials.

You should also take into account the number of children per class, the number of children the most is attention, care and patience than by the teacher, which means less comfort for your child!

2. Curriculum and activities:

School choice depends on the standard curriculum, and educational and recreational activities, whether English or French curriculum or any other favorite.

In addition to the need to provide a variety of means and methods for learning and innovation, such as:

  • Library and activities of reading and to keep and collect clips about a particular subject, research, etc.
  • The diversity of ways of communicating information to children through educational experiences within the school to check something or discover its properties, film, educational, research, or educational trips outside the school etc.
  • Engaging children with advanced age in the educational process by gathering information on a topic and then displayed and grouped together.

3. Safe and clean:

Must check some basic security matters to ensure preservation of the health and safety of children, such as stairs, fire extinguishers, fire stairs, suitability of furniture depending on the age of the child, the cleanliness of the kitchen and baths, or balconies of the school as security measures in place to keep children safe, and other basic things that may pose a threat in the event of a fire, earthquake or other disaster, God forbid.

You should also take into account the internal and external decoration, and if there is a small garden with the school or not, and the cleanliness of the school in General. The comfortable and stylish décor play a major role in relieving a psychic child feel at home the second.

Also it is necessary to make sure that staff are trained in first aid in case of emergency, and maintain a degree of security at the entrances and exits and monitored cameras to prevent strangers to school or children out alone without anyone knowing!

4. Health and nutrition:

Because of the wrong food habits currently deployed, especially in children and adolescents, nutrition has become critical, the school must be provided meals for children that provide a variety of healthy meals rich in essential nutrients important to the child's body.
As a school monitor foods in a restaurant or food (cafeteria), located in, in terms of quality of food, power foods, free of harmful dyes and colorants, etc.

In case of not providing meals to children, it must publish awareness about healthy diet and seriousness of ready-made cuisine walshibs, chocolate and other foods that are not recommended for a lot of them.

5. Fees:

In the end the most important thing is the adequacy of premium annual school with physical capacity for family, parents search for the appropriate school for their child and provide him with the aforementioned standards but within the physical boundaries of the planned.
It also plays an important role how loosely the school management with payments and fees, some schools accept convenient payments amount in instalments throughout the year, giving parents an outlet and expands service options for selecting the most appropriate school.
