Jessica Abraham

User Type : Standard User
What are the 8 day tests for newborns?

What are the 8 day tests for newborns?

Post By : Jessica Abraham

Post Rank : 1399th

Category : Health & Fitness

Sub Category : other

31 Aug 2014

The need to examine the abdomen and genitals appear cryptorchid early

Pediatricians recommend several tests for the new baby in certain periods of his life, since this is a central and crucial examinations in his life, and help evaluate the kinematic and mental abilities, and such tests should be performed to check the baby on the eighth day of his age, and you must not lose sight of his mother because of fatigue, or baby joy and preoccupation with events, and receive the congratulator.

From this examination and its significance, "says Dr Tariq Alwan, pediatrician, this test helps to correct birth defects in the newborn baby if any potential treatment, examination of the eighth day involves searching these distortions in the following places:

• If obstructed, and the use of peat, for example, the doctor checks the collarbone; to find a bug, or irregular, and examines the thighs and buttocks; to find dress-or crack at the knees and feet.

• Examine the heart children especially look for a hole in one of the ventricles, is an often disappear automatically without surgical intervention.
• Respiratory examination and require special devices to search for any malformation, or respiratory growth is incomplete for the newborn, and initial demonstration can be seen to follow the baby's breathing and regularity.
• Reflective reactions, and be born able to do contrary to what some believe that the baby be negatively and peaceful, these responses to hold strongly to finger the doctor, putting his feet one in front of the other and keep his head upright in his sleep, and are very much pain, joy and strange, but normal for normal baby.
• The need to examine the abdomen and genitals to male, where cryptorchid early.

Dr Alwan, the importance of these checks; for the safety of the baby but must follow the same tests at the age of nine months, because this is middle-age to the age of my birth for a baby boy, which position to have children together in his future.
