crazy gal

User Type : Standard User
Some childish things we dream we could still do

Some childish things we dream we could still do

Post By : crazy gal

Post Rank : 2077th

Category : Entertainment

Sub Category : Creativity Corner

20 Sep 2014

Everyone have done this atleast once in there life. It may sound funny. But being kid is always awesome

1.       Lick d last bit of masala felt on the plate.

2.       Licking lollipops.

3.       Eating melted chocolates.

4.       Fighting over cherries on top of a cake.

5.       Make that loud "slurping" sound while drinking something.

6.       Reading tinkle and other kids comics.

7.       Ask for your favorite toy with a kids meal.

8.       Enjoying your time at an amusement park.

9.       Dancing all crazy dance moments and enjoying without caring about what others will think.

10.   Collecting bubble gum stickers and tattoos and using them.

11.   Crying in public.

12.   Climbing trees.

13.   Sleeping with parents when scared.

Its nice to be a kid at times don’t worry what others will think. smiley
