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How important is breakfast ?

How important is breakfast ?

Post By : namitha

Post Rank : 1469th

Category : Health & Fitness

Sub Category : Women's Health

23 Jan 2014


 start your metabolism by including protein at breakfast, choose from eggs, salmon, lean ham or low-fat dairy. it burn more calories digesting protein , by making your breakfast a protein one, you'll be revving up your metabolism and because protein foods keep you fuller for longer, you'll eat fewer calories the rest of the day.

A protein breakfast needn't take any longer to prepare - top your morning toast with a scrambled egg, a slice of smoked salmon or some lean ham and when you do have a little more time enjoy an omelette or frittata.

Whatever you do don't skip breakfast as this sets your blood sugar off on a roller coaster, which means you'll end up choosing the wrong foods later in the day. Remember breakfast makes an important contribution towards your daily intake and it plays a key role in maintaining a healthy weight.
