Anjali Ajith

User Type : Standard User
3 Ways To Stay Calm In An Argument At Work

3 Ways To Stay Calm In An Argument At Work

Post By : Anjali Ajith

Post Rank : 1613th

Category : Social-Mania

Sub Category : General News

23 Jan 2014

lets see what we can do to skip an arguement next time at work.

Take slowww...deeppppp breaths: When your boss shouts at u next time and your blood starts boiling, try this doing fast and super effective technique to save your job. Take at four to  five deep breaths without saying a word to him/her. Deep breaths like this will immediately help you cool down to normal and you will have 'peace' mind.

Add another five deep breaths to cool your boss. Your calm face will calm his/her down. This is how you play safe.

Take a break:  Take a break when you feel like you are heating up hearing your boss shout at you non stop. Tell the colleague/boss: 'I understand what you are saying and I will discuss this but just give me 30 minutes or an hour to come back and discuss this'.

These breaks from the situation will help to lose the steam and the heat of the fight and when you come back to discuss it later, both of you will be in a better mood to solve things up.

Skip Negative Words, Rephrase:  During an arguement we tend to say 'You are wrong' or 'This approach is not good or not beneficial'. Rephrase these statements using positive words. For example we can say 'What you are saying is one perspective to the situation, can we look at this other perspective , instead of 'you are wrong' 

Like that, instead of 'This approach is not good or not beneficial' you can say 'Is this approach the most beneficial or can we look at other approaches which can be more beneficial in this situation'. Be creative in ur words.

Dont forget the fact that ''Words once said can never be taken back''


