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Samsung Galaxy S4 Users Experiencing Problems After Updating to Android 4.3

Samsung Galaxy S4 Users Experiencing Problems After Updating to Android 4.3

Post By : akhila

Post Rank : 20153th

Category : Technology

Sub Category : Mobile

14 Jan 2014

 Galaxy S4 users are also reporting a lot of  issues after the Android 4.3 update. it is found that samsung released without proper testing .Anyway, Samsung Galaxy S4 is experiencing similar issues that were haunting the Galaxy S3 users, including reduced battery life, poor performance, inconsistent WiFi connections, contacts not displaying in the compose text message window, apps saved on SD card not displaying icons, screen blacking out while running applications, gallery app loading slow, back button not working, Google Play Music starting on its own and a few more. . the WiFi connections seems to inconsistent and displays an error that the WiFi is not stable or acting slow, and disconnects it or switches to between WiFi and mobile data. The compose text screen fails to display the contact name in the recipient field although restarting the handset fixed this issue.  .

 the phone is faster on Android 4.3 compared to Android 4.2.2, there are still a lot of issues that should be addressed
