Pokémon is one of the biggest entertainment franchises,which has faced many criticism for various themes that people do not agree with.
Some Christians have claimed Pokémon is against the teachings of the bible by promoting the concept of “Pokémon evolution,” in which the creatures level up. this is completely ridiculous
Two nine-year-old boys, with their parents, sued the company because they claimed they go in search and buy different pokeman cards and promotes gambling.they are addicted to it and ruined their life because of it !
2018 is a fabulous year for gamers. Here are our t...
Release date(s) October 29, 2013 Eurpo...
The big budget game of the year is coming. ! Th...
Saiyam's muscles area unit neither patient nor...
The release date for the most recent attender comp...
The Injustice is the action thriller game whic...
Release Date: February 25, 2014 RP-M+ for Rat...
Flappy Bird the most popular game among teens was ...
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we already know about The next generation of gamin...