safwan riyaz

User Type : Moderator
Increasing number of people who turn to play games to Satisfy social needs termed-Cybercelibacy

Increasing number of people who turn to play games to Satisfy social needs termed-Cybercelibacy

Post By : safwan riyaz

Post Rank : 1659th

Category : Gamers Corners

Sub Category : News

28 Jan 2014

Harvard professor Craig Malkin has coined the term “cybercelibacy” to describe the increasing number of people who turn to online games and networks to satisfy their social needs without having to face scary real people. It creates a vicious cycle, he explains, where people aren’t forced to face their anxieties about relationships, which makes those anxieties grow and causes them to retreat further.How bad is the problem, exactly? Well, 28 percent of people surveyed admitted that they spend less time with meatspace friends in favor of online activities, and almost as many (20 percent) say they’re having less sex. It turns out that going outside occasionally is a really important step to taking up residence in someone else’s underpants.
