Akhil Satheesh

User Type : Moderator
Donot in a relationship

Donot in a relationship

Post By : Akhil Satheesh

Post Rank : 1721th

Category : Entertainment

Sub Category : Movies

27 Jan 2014


1) Lie

Basic things come first! No matter how silly it may seem to read...but lying is the base to ruin everything beautiful in life! If you’re lying and doing something then you know it’s wrong and hiding is never going to bring a solution to anything! Try confiding in your partner…because good communication is the solution to every problem!

2) Assume

Her cell phone’s switched off for over an hour and you don’t know her where about…stop assuming the worst and boil yourself up for no reason! Maybe the charge has worn out and she’s out with her family!! Until and unless you get a reason to…NEVER use your ohh so awesome brains and assume!

3) Be over possessive

It’s cute when couples are possessive about the each other…you know somebody cares!! But it starts getting over the limits when you constantly want to keep a check on where your loved is or is with! Give the other space and give the freedom to make decisions...cuz if a bird is being caged…no matter how much you feed and love it…its always going to look for a way to escape!!!!!

4) Flirt

If you already have a boyfriend/girlfriend the last thing you want to do is flirt with somebody else! Nothing’s going to piss somebody off more than their loved one getting cheesy with the opposite gender! Know your limits and don’t be over friendly with everybody!

5) Discuss exes

If you’ve had a past… the least you can do for your present is to not discuss your ex specially the intimate moments!! Nobody wants to imagine their loved one with somebody else! Worst would be to compare your ex with your present…Always remember that your ex is not in your life for a reason! So don’t ruin your present clinging onto your past!

6) Loose control on your tongue

No matter how bad a fight you’ve had...NEVER lose control on your language and say something you are not supposed to! You might spit it out in a rage… but your loved one might not forget it easily and lead to further fights for the same reason in the future!

7) Bring up past during a fight

Bringing up the past during a fight is going to lead to the same arguments over and over and over again!! If your loved one has done a mistake… try to forgive and forget and not bring it up again! Reliving old wounds is only going to cause further pain and not a solution!

8) Let ego take control

If you’ve had a fight no matter who’s mistake…try to apologize first cuz apologizing is not going to make you a smaller person! It’s only going to cut short the “post fight” period and bring peace! Well after the both of you have cooled down you can reason out sensibly! Let go off that ego if you want it to work !!

 9) Ask others relationship advices

It’s a relationship between the 2 of you... yes read it again “TWO OF YOU”! so STOP asking a third person for solutions! If you want a solution then go talk to your partner about it cuz nobody understands your partner better than you and also the other way round!! The moment you include a third person’s view into consideration…it’s only going to lead to more misunderstandings! So be wise and before including a third person…think twice!

10) Keep the world updated

By that I mean the moment you guys have a fight… there is no necessity to instantly update a sad status OR change your relationship status on facebook OR change your whats app dp to pitch black OR have an indirect tweet firing at your partner on twitter! The world is not concerned about whats happening in your personal life… so the least you can do is give your relationship some privacy in moments of anger and rage! You don’t wana do something stupid and the regret in later! 
