Akhil Satheesh

User Type : Moderator
Samsung is on its way to make 'SMART-HOMEs'.

Samsung is on its way to make 'SMART-HOMEs'.

Post By : Akhil Satheesh

Post Rank : 1585th

Category : Technology

Sub Category : Gadgets

26 Jan 2014

Samsung is on its way to make 'SMART-HOMEs'.

The current era is what we call 'SMART-ERA'.Everything's smart-phone,watch,car,so why would the Tech Giant leave home?Your camera-enabled-oven will be your housekeeper.Turning off your TV,switching off the lights or other electronics can be controlled with the SMART-HOMEs.It's expected to be on sale from this year,Samsung says. Yesterday in the Consumer Electronics Show '14,Samsung announced their plan.

The Home View feature lets us to view in to our house when we are away, thanks to cameras built in to your appliances.

You can control all your selected electronics with voice command via your smartphone or smartwatch if you have the app.

This change will be very useful for many people.Now a days our systems doesnt provide us the facilitate live the things when we are way n all.

Even though Samsung doesn't announced about the price and the list of application they are gonna release.!
