Akhil Satheesh

User Type : Moderator
How to stay healthy and energetic all day ?

How to stay healthy and energetic all day ?

Post By : Akhil Satheesh

Post Rank : 1578th

Category : Health & Fitness

Sub Category : Diet and Fitness

28 Jan 2014

It’s not impossible to stay healthy, here are few ways :-

1. Sauna: Instead of getting a massage done go for a sauna. Sauna not only detoxes your body but also opens your sinus pores and helps you to breathe easily.

2. Kissing: You definitely don’t want to kiss your loved one when they are done with flu. But locking lips when you are healthy is a great way to build immunity since the exchange of spit helps you to fight germs and build immunity against it.

3. Gargle: It is a real old method to gargle your throat with Luke warm saline water to get rid of throat pain. Gargling your throat with normal tap water eases your throat and removes germs and keeps you away from falling ill.

4. Listen to your iPod: Listening to tunes can do wonders to your body. It relaxes your muscles, reduces stress, improves memory and even boosts your immunity powers. So if you never had a habit of listening to music. Try it now on and you will love it.

Hope this tips may help you to stay energetic throughout the day.! Just try these and feel the change.!
