Renjith Pillai

User Type : Moderator
Snow Leopards Photographed in Uzbekistan

Snow Leopards Photographed in Uzbekistan

Post By : Renjith Pillai

Post Rank : 2248th

Category : Environment

Sub Category : Wild Life

28 Jan 2014

The first-ever pictures of the snow leopard, an endangered, cat has been caught on camera in Uzbekistan. it caught not one, but two snow leopards. The images were released by conservation groups Panthera and the World Wildlife Fund (WWF). They confirmed that in the Gissar Nature Reserve, a protected part of the Pamir Mountains, there are at least two individual snow leopards. In Asia, there are 12 countries including Uzbekistan, where snow leopards still roam through rugged mountainous terrain. Estimates reflect that 3,500 to 7,000 of the endangered cats are left in the wild. Snow leopards are rarely photographed because of their scarcity and elusive nature.

The pictures of snow leopard captured in camera have allowed researchers to get the images of the cats in their natural habitats from Tajikistan to Siberia. Conservationists have utilized other technologies also. One of the technologies is called GPS collar, to track the secretive cats. In November, a 5-year-old snow leopard was outfitted with a GPS collar in Nepal, a first for the country.
