Akhil Satheesh

User Type : Moderator
Want to look smart??

Want to look smart??

Post By : Akhil Satheesh

Post Rank : 1700th

Category : Health & Fitness

Sub Category : Diet and Fitness

28 Jan 2014

Most of us think we arent smart. But we just need to be confident and do things properly to make us marter day by day. The way we live sets this parameter

Change in mind set can make smarter

There are two types of mind set. fixed and grwoth mind, on the fixed we think out thninking abilities cant change but in the latter in which our abilities can e developed.

Concentration can makes smarter

We may not be too good at concentrating but this can be increased by our efforts. Many simples ways are there to help us jump this hurdle.


Food makes smarter

As ''an empty mind is a devils workshop'' an empty stomach wont make us smart as it is vital to eat proper to feel energetic.

Rest makes us smarter

In our busy life we wont be able to rest and create new ideas. But we need proper rest for our brain to generate new ideas and make as boost our smartness

Healthy relationships makes us smarter

We should be in a healthy relation with all as this helps to make us feel more relaxed and peacefull.

