American Hustle is a 2013 Hollywood movie released on 2nd December 2013, which created a land mark among Hollywood movies. The story line of this movie is based on a FBI ABSCAM Operation during early 1970s & 1980s. The story is written by Eric Warren Singer & Russell. This film is a dramatic Comedy Thriller Directed by David O Russell. Starring:-
The music is done by Danny Elfman. from the release date itself the movie created history. TThat means that American Hustle recived a world wide applaus from the audience. The Rotten Tomatoes website provided 93% rating for the Film.
This film also have 10 Academy award nominations for Best Picture, Best Director & Best Orginal Screenplay.American hustle also become the film to be nominated for 4 acting categories since 1981.
American Hustle also won Three Golden Globe Awards and Ten BAFTA Awards
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