Akhil Satheesh

User Type : Moderator
A Long Lasting Sweet Battery

A Long Lasting Sweet Battery

Post By : Akhil Satheesh

Post Rank : 1632th

Category : Technology

Sub Category : Gadgets

28 Jan 2014

 A long lasting battery that runs on sugar. Scientists have developed a new biodegradable battery that runs on sugar and can work long hours without charging. In about three years this battery will replace our batteries in cell phones and any such electronic device that requires power.

The battery was developed by Virgina Tech research team. The battery has an incomparable energy density. These sugar batteries are refillable, biodegradable and cheaper.

When compared to other sugar batteries created, this battery has a higher energy density than the others which helps it to run for a longer time before being refuelled.

This is definitely a step into the future. Sugar batteries are sure to bring down pollution up to some extent. We are really glad to know such a changes will help us to have a pollution free world very soon. Such changes are surely going to create a new era in the field of technology.

