The joy of reading books can’t be described in words. It is something that we can understand only through experience. Reading books gives us a break from all the chaos of life. It makes us relaxed and also gives and exercises to our brain during the process.
When we read a book we reach we reach a different world that the writer has created for us. Reading books is the best medicine to kill boredom. Why teens now use Facebook and they say there are bored. Why can’t you take some books and read it. It will never keep you bored as any other social media does. The habit of reading good contents daily will act like an exercise for our mind and keep us mentally fit and flexible. If we have never tried, then always remember that it is never late to start a good habit. So guys start reading because it will only help to gain more knowledge.
Albert Einstein said :-
“Reading, after a certain age, diverts the mind too much from its creative pursuits. Any man who reads too much and uses his own brain too little falls into lazy habits of thinking.”
SHAPE:1. Round...
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