Akhil Satheesh

User Type : Moderator
Easy & Simple tips to lose your weight!

Easy & Simple tips to lose your weight!

Post By : Akhil Satheesh

Post Rank : 1727th

Category : Health & Fitness

Sub Category : Diet and Fitness

28 Jan 2014

It’s everyone’s wish to lose some weight. So here we give you some easy tips which will help you to lose weight.!

1)Drink More Water: Water is a very important factor in reducing your weight. Drink at least 4 to 5 litres of water it will surely help you.

2)Avoid Junk Food: Avoid frequent use of junk foods like pizza, burgers, sausages, etc. do not contain nutritional values but only contains ‘fat’. Junk food is the main factor in gaining weight

3)Use less Calorie Foods: It is an important factor in weight reducing system to eat less calorie foods. Always it’s good to maintain a calorie food diet.

4)Avoid Soft Drinks: Use of soft drinks must be avoided strictly when you wanted to lose weight. Instead of these carbonated drinks you can use lime juice, tender coconut etc.

5)Use homely food: When you are in an intention to lose weight its better we avoid hotel foods. Homely foods are best to reduce weight

6)Do proper exercise: Exercise is an important factor to lose weight. Walking for 30 minutes to 1 hour a day is really good for your health as well as it will help you to burn some calories.

7)Avoid Red Meat: Red meat contains a lot of fat. It will lead to many health problems too. So it’s better to avoid it and you could such heavy deposits of fat from your body

8)Use Salads and fruits: It’s good to eat more salads and fruits just before you eat your meals. After eating salads and all you will consume less amount of food.

9)Avoid TV while taking your meals: Studies shows that when we eat while watching TV, we will consume double the food than we eat normally. So better avoid taking meals while you watch TV.

10)Salt-Free Diet: Avoid the use of salts. As we know we can’t avoid salts but you can reduce the amount of salt you consume

So we have provided some tips to reduce your weight above. Try it. Surely you will lose weight
