Any healthy food is good for sex. However, there are certain items that are particularly beneficial. Alcohol is bad for a healthy sex life - it increases the desire but decreases the performance.
It is very necessary that males include walnuts in their diet . apart from other advantages , it plays a vital role in sex life . it improve the quality of sperms. It increases the vigorous movement and vitality of sperms which is essential for fertilization
Strawberries and raspberries
It contains zinc and many other minerals which is essential for both gender .if the level of zinc in woman’s body is high, body find it easier to prepare for sex. In men, zinc controls the male sex hormone; testosterone .this hormone is responsible for producing sperms.
It is very important to include avocados in diet .it contains Folic acid and vitamin B6 . Folic acid increases the energy level of the body which is essential during intercourse while B6 is important for producing sex hormones in both females and males
Watermelon and Almonds
In males it’s very necessary for penis to be erect. Watermelon and almonds improves erection
It contains vitamin C. it plays a vital role in improving the sperms count and quality of sperm . Many couples face the problem infertility .peaches helps in reducing infertility
For many of them, its very hard to imagine a day without coffee. Coffee is a stimulant, hence spikes your sex drive.
Saffron should be consumed to improve sex drive and performance in bed. Saffron can also boost stamina and energy which is very essential during sex.
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