If “Yes” is your answer then the question arises why? Even it is “No” then also arises another why? These questions arise because many of us really do not know what is Nuclear Energy or its uses or its drawbacks.
Nuclear energy is a powerful source of energy compared to any other conventional fuels. All crude oil based fuels derive their energy from oxidation, which is a change in the energy levels of electrons outside the nucleus. However nuclear energy derives power from changes in the nuclear energy level, which are million times larger than the electron energies. Nuclear power is produced by (non explosive) nuclear reactions. Commercial and utility plants currently use nuclear fission reactions to heat water to produce steam, which is then used to generate electricity.
Nuclear Fission and Fusion are the ways of harnessing nuclear energy. In nuclear Fission an atom splits into smaller atoms releasing lot of energy which is used in nuclear weapons and nuclear plants. Nuclear fusions, which involve joining of light nuclei, have the potential to be safer and generate less radioactive waste than fission. The reactions appear potentially viable which is technically difficult to use in a functional power plant. There has been intense theoretical and experimental investigation since 1950’s.
Supporters of nuclear power raise many points. It does not involve burning of fossil fuels and hence does emit relatively low amount of carbon dioxide (CO2). The emissions of greenhouse gases and the contributions of nuclear power plants to global warming are therefore very low. This technology is readily available; it does not have to be developed first. It is possible to generate a high amount of electrical energy is one single plant. Nuclear Energy is a comparatively reliable source of energy, unaffected by strikes and shortage around the world, as very little is required at this time and is well distributed around the world.
Opponents of nuclear power also have their own stands. The problem of radioactive waste is still an unsolved issue. The waste from nuclear energy is extremely dangerous. No atomic energy plant in the world could withstand 9/11 in New York. Such a terrorist act would have catastrophic effect for the whole world. The energy source for nuclear energy is Uranium. Uranium is a scarce source and its supply is estimated to last next few more years depending on the actual demand. It is technically impossible to build a plant with 100% security. A small probability of failure will always last like what recently happened in France. The consequence of an accident would be absolutely devasting both for human beings as for the nature. The more nuclear power plants (and nuclear waste storage shelters) are built, the higher is the probability of a disastrous failure somewhere in the world.
It is very evident that nuclear energy cannot be a permanent solution to any problem. It is the source of many further problems.
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