Akhil Satheesh

User Type : Moderator
Easy & Simple Tips To Gain Weight!

Easy & Simple Tips To Gain Weight!

Post By : Akhil Satheesh

Post Rank : 1665th

Category : Health & Fitness

Sub Category : Diet and Fitness

02 Feb 2014

Now days few people really want to gain some weight. So it’s our privilege to help you to gain some weight by simple and easy tips which all can follow .!

  1.  Eat regularly: Eat often that means eat whenever you feel hungry. Try to have 6 meals or more per day. Use snacks also. If u eats more a day it will surely help you to gain weight.
  2.  Use more calories food: Select the food items which have more calories but be careful about the nutritional content in the food to. Our main goal is to choose foods that are filled with vitamins, minerals, nutrients, and calories.
  3. Use more eggs: Using eggs also helps you to consume more calories as well as it is good for your health.
  4. Use of cheese: Cheese is concentrated milk, so it is very high in protein, calcium, fat, cholesterol. So use more cheese.  
  5. Do Muscle Building Exercises: Doing exercise for increasing your muscles will also help you to gain weight. Regular exercises are really effective.
