Akhil Satheesh

User Type : Moderator
Want to reduce the amount of fat intake?

Want to reduce the amount of fat intake?

Post By : Akhil Satheesh

Post Rank : 1537th

Category : Health & Fitness

Sub Category : Diet and Fitness

06 Feb 2014

Eating too much fats causes many health problems. Here are few ways to cut the intake of fat:

  1. Replace Full fat dairy foods by low fat dairy foods.Use low-fat cheese, yogurt, milk and sour cream and your overall fat intake will drop dramatically.
  2. Say no to fast food. Maybe some fast foods you consume contain large amount of fat than you should eat in a day. It doesn’t contain any nutrients that your body require ,rather it is a source for fats which leads  to many health problems.
  3. Increase the amounts of fruits and vegetables in your diet.It is fat free and contains essential nutrients which our body requires. It is also rich in fibers and less likely to feel hungry. Include at least one serving of fruits or vegetables at every meal.
  4. Reduce the amount of oil use . we tend to use gallons of oil for cooking. Instead of frying your food in gallons of oil, try cooking spray instead. This decrease oil and fat consumption and keep the natural flavor of food.
  5. Many spreads are full of fat,butter.Instead try some alternate spreads who are low in fat content. This doesn’t reduce the taste of food. Instead you can enjoy new meals.
  6. Try new cooking methods.Drop traditional methods of cooking.You can cook delicious food with less fat content and with super taste
