Akhil Satheesh

User Type : Moderator
Several things which men will never tell you

Several things which men will never tell you

Post By : Akhil Satheesh

Post Rank : 1399th

Category : Entertainment

Sub Category : Lover's Corner

07 Feb 2014

There are many things which a guy will never tell you. Below we say about some situations:

  1. They want you to like their friends but to love them. Don’t be over attached to them, they may not like it. A man would want his girlfriend to get along with his friends, but he may not like you hanging out with them all the time
  2. Women always worry about losing their guy and finding someone better than you. But it’s not just women who have such feelings, even men has. But they never tell you
  3. They don’t cuddle hoping for sex, maybe not always. Women always like to hold her partner’s hand for relaxation. Even they may do this for it. It doesn’t mean they have something naughty in their mind
  4. Never ask them about boy’s nights out. Whether it's girls, sports, cars or bikes, don't expect a guy to reveal any of the things that he has discussed with his buddies.
