Akhil Satheesh

User Type : Moderator
Very important secrets in weight loss

Very important secrets in weight loss

Post By : Akhil Satheesh

Post Rank : 1536th

Category : Health & Fitness

Sub Category : Diet and Fitness

10 Feb 2014

 Overall secrets in weight loss :

  1. Only exercise won’t help you in losing weight. It must be paired with balanced diet. Include more vegetables and fruits in diet and keep fast food aside. If you are uncertain whether something you are about to eat is healthy, do not eat it and choose the veggies and lean protein.
  2. When you stress your body secretes the hormone cortisol which is a weight gaining hormone. so avoid stressful conditions and laugh more. Studies have shown laughing burn a lot of calories.
  3. Studies show that people that sleep 8 hours a night or more lose 50% more! For better sleep avoid watching TV 30minutes before sleep
  4. Some stay without food for whole day to burn the calories for an evening dine out. Stop starving and get mini healthy meals, workout and enjoy your dining. Don’t worry if your diet goes wrong .you can avoid it by avoiding breads or deserts.
  5. Note quantity of food you intake a week so that you can plan according to it. It makes a major difference.
  6. Incorporate small activities such as cleaning, cooking and so on. So try squatting while you brush your teeth, add house cleaning activity into your daily routine and dance while you are cooking. it may contribute a lot to your efforts in weight loss 
