Akhil Satheesh

User Type : Moderator
Simple ways to stay in shape

Simple ways to stay in shape

Post By : Akhil Satheesh

Post Rank : 1524th

Category : Health & Fitness

Sub Category : Diet and Fitness

10 Feb 2014

Its everyone's wish to look in perfect shape. As we have said you many different to look fit already. Below are some simple tips which all can follow.

  • Don’t sit for a long time

If you have habit of sitting for a long time in front of PC or TV , stop this habit. You can do  move around during working hours or doing simple exercises during working

  • Regular exercises

Ensure you spend time for regular exercises. This plays a vital role in making you stay healthy and fit. Ensure you eat everything and on the other hand maintain your exercise too.

  • Skip fast food

Even if you constantly exercise, it doesn’t do anything good to your body unless you avoid fast food. Fast foods do nothing good to your body, but it increases your calorie and fat intake

  • Don’t drink fizzy drinks

There is a trend that maybe all follow above three steps, but they skip this. Drinking fizzy drinks can make you fat, instead opt for fresh juices , which contains vitamins and minerals and help you stay fit 
