Akhil Satheesh

User Type : Moderator
Few things you should avoid during fight

Few things you should avoid during fight

Post By : Akhil Satheesh

Post Rank : 1577th

Category : Entertainment

Sub Category : Lover's Corner

17 Feb 2014

Things you must mind during a fight with your guy. There are few things you should avoid during fight for a lasting relationship

Calling their names

Avoid calling their names during fight. It shows you don’t respect him.It also can show that you have a problem with your temper and may need to learn some anger management skills. So avoid calling your guy their names as it only increases the depth of fight

Get physical

If your temper is that high change your environment . Never forget you need him after your fight also . so keep this in mind and move away from the surrounding where you are and get some fresh air which will make you refresh .

Stranger interface

Don’t include others into your fights.Maybe they will be your best friend,who keeps everything secret,still don’t do it. Ensure you don’t fight in front of others. Don’t ask their opinion. You are only going to make it bigger

Public Insult

Don’t blast him on social media. If you do so, you behave like immature. Share only positive things online. But its better even if you don’t do that, relationship is our personal life. Don’t let anyone to interfere it

Decision Making

Don’t make any decisions during fight. You can even do it later. Maybe you take such rash decisions because of your temper. Later you may regret for it. So think carefully

