Akhil Satheesh

User Type : Moderator
You can use.!But u cant hide.!-Facebook

You can use.!But u cant hide.!-Facebook

Post By : Akhil Satheesh

Post Rank : 1856th

Category : Technology

Sub Category : Internet

11 Jan 2014

Facebook announced changes for its privacy settings.!

Members of the social network used to have a privacy setting called "Who can look up your Timeline by name?" that allowed their profile to be hidden from searches within the site, even if another user typed in their name exactly.

Facebook started taking that feature away last December for members who weren't using it, and now the option will disappear once and for all over the coming weeks for the "small percentage" of remaining users still holding onto it, said Michael Richter, the company's chief privacy officer.

Users will still be able to block individual users from seeing their profile, but they will not be able to generally prevent the non-blocked users from searching their name and seeing their profile.
