Akhil Satheesh

User Type : Moderator
Things you shouldnt give-up for your partner

Things you shouldnt give-up for your partner

Post By : Akhil Satheesh

Post Rank : 1641th

Category : Entertainment

Sub Category : Lover's Corner

20 Feb 2014

There are few things you shouldn’t give-up for your partner.  Relationship is all about compromise and adjusting

  1. Your family. Main thing you shouldn’t avoid for your partner is your family. Your partner must treat your family as the way he treats his family .if he forces you to choose between your partner and him, that is wrong . If your family refuse to accept your partner, although they are a good person, that is another matter
  2. Don’t give up your plans. Suppose if you want to study after marriage, and is he is not willing convince him with your needs. You as well as he, is equally important in relationship. Obviously , at some instances you need to give up your plans . But don't give up everything that you want to do with your life
  3. Your friends. If he doesn’t like your friends, he may force you to end friendship with them. But this doesn’t seems healthy for good relationship.
  4. Your pets. This may seems strange for some readers and true for others.  For some people, pets are very close to them and maybe a part of their life. If your partner says, they don’t like it, they are separating something which is important in your life .
  5. Never giveup your dreams. Finally, never give up your dreams for someone else. Partners should support each other. A partner who truly loves you will support you all the way in achieving those dreams. They certainly won't ridicule you
