If you are looking to save your long distance relationship, here are few tips:
- Forget about small mistakes and make on. If you really want your relationship, you have to sacrifice at some instances.
- Even if you both are apart, you can keep in touch with each other via mails, skyping and so on. As long as you make some effort to keep some form of contact, it is going to make the other person feel you want them
- Share your concerns; most of the problems are small. What will make the problem huge is not talking about it and letting it fester in your mind. So clear your mind
- One of the main reasons a long distance relationship may fail is a lack of compromise. If you want a serious relationship, you both must be compromising
- To make your relationship more effective, try to spend a weekend for your partner. Or if it’s not possible, even a Skype date is better than nothing.
- Sacrificing is different to compromising, because you are going to give something up. Obviously, you may want your partner to give up something. Convince them rather than creating huge problems.
- Talk honestly: This is very essential for all relationships .if you feel your partner is hiding something, talk to them about it. Frankly speak about your expectations and needs , so that your partner can change according to it .
- Sometimes you need time apart to clear your head. Taking a break doesn't always mean breaking up. It can mean not having contact for a few days. by this you realize how important they are in your life