Arjun V

User Type : Moderator
Wrestlemania XXX Set Revealed

Wrestlemania XXX Set Revealed

Post By : Arjun V

Post Rank : 2944th

Category : Sports Arena

Sub Category : Other Sports

05 Apr 2014

The most successfull payper view of WWE Inc The Wrestlemania's 30 th Edition WRESTLEMANIA XXX will happen on April 6 th 2014 at mercedes benz stadium New Orleans.

This gonna be the biggest event  that gonna happen in this year from wwe. the Wrestlemania is always consider as the show case of immortals so that the wwe officials will make it more effective than anyother pay per views of them.

The Principal Owner of WWE Stephine Mchmahon and Her Husband, Also the Chief Operating Officer The Game - Triple H Revealed The Set Of Wrestlemania Few Hours Before At New Orleans Take A Look

