New research shows that smoking scenes in TV show that is less than before, because it can reduce the impact of non-player smoking scenes to be America.
Penn researchers investigating the use of cigarettes more than 1,800 hours of original programming during the years 1955 to 2010 have concluded. In this period, while smoking rates among adults have also monitored.
According to a report published online in the journal Tobacco Control smoking scenes in such programs at stage 5 started in 1961 and until 2010 to 0/3 stages reached in time.
The researchers then calculated the price of cigarettes and other agents have stated that a scene showing smoking in less than an hour over two years for television programming with a reduced consumption of almost two pack of cigarettes (38/5 cigarettes) adults, of an equal.
Important scenes in a program to reduce the impact of smoking, according to researcher’s remarkable effect of increasing the price of cigarettes to reduce smoking have helped to the half of it. If we were smoking scenes with other scenes, such as the training was to be replaced in order to get better results.
New Findings In addition, previous research suggests that smoking scenes in other people see an adult smoking is encouraged. Seems to be more research about the relationship between smoking and other media such as YouTube and its direct impact on smoking rates is done.
Anyways smoking is not good for our health. It just destroy our lungs. Our lungs is for breathing.
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