Akhil Satheesh

User Type : Moderator
Stress in pregnancy increases the risk of asthma in kids

Stress in pregnancy increases the risk of asthma in kids

Post By : Akhil Satheesh

Post Rank : 1529th

Category : Health & Fitness

Sub Category : Women's Health

10 Apr 2014

At the same time, increasing the stress level of these diseases is also higher. But so far as per the evidence, there was no relationship between stress during pregnancy and asthma or eczema.

Australian researchers for further study in 1587 examined the child and mother. The main objective of this study was to determine the effects of intense monitoring of pregnancy outcomes.

Mothers were asked about the first half of their stressful life events during pregnancy and then tell the end of this period. The researchers also examined the status of asthma , eczema and other allergy -related diseases in children between the ages of 6 and 14 years were examined .

The information obtained about the child and the mother is 994 .

Researchers found that children whose mothers have asthma and eczema in childhood stressful life in the second half of pregnancy have more experience than others.

The final result shows that the risk of stress-related cases in which one or more traumatic and stressful event occurs, it does not matter.

When the researchers further found that this pattern holds true for children whose mothers have never had asthma.

According to findings published in the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology certain relationship between stress during pregnancy and the risk of asthma or eczema at age 6 there. Researchers believe there are other factors besides the masters of stress can increase the risk of various diseases in children.

Alet H.Wijga National Institute of Public Health and the Environment Beethoven Netherlands has emphasized that stress can cause asthma and eczema in children.

He has said that life events such as financial problems, loss of job and housing relocation of separation or divorce during pregnancy can be on Socio - economic conditions may affect the mother and possibly his son .

However, in this study recognizes that there are signs of life precarious relationship between the parent and the risk of childhood allergic diseases. Investigators believe the next challenge is to separate the potential impact of stress during pregnancy on childhood development environments.
