Akhil Satheesh

User Type : Moderator
Demonstration on a tank in Britain

Demonstration on a tank in Britain

Post By : Akhil Satheesh

Post Rank : 1722th

Category : Social-Mania

Sub Category : General News

11 Apr 2014

Although the demonstration was against the actions of the mayor of the city of belonging to British and parking in areas designated for their populations, the participants did not find only an old tank to declare their opposition.

She said the BBC, “BBC ," Yesterday: The George Ferguson , the mayor of the city of Bristol , develop a plan to prevent parking by non-residents in the residential streets , imposing a fee on the population between 48 and 96 pounds sterling versus them permits allowing them to park where .

She added that Tony Miles, organized the demonstration, he led a tank from an old -style “Sherman " made in 1942 with other protesters on the streets of Bristol, in protest against the plan.

Ferguson wrote on his account in “Twitter” Commenting on this event, "It hit the absurd," revealing that the use of the tank Odd.

Quoted “BBC " to Miles as saying that a tank demonstration were not just a game, but to send a message of protest to serious after residents agreed on the need for urgent action on the proposed procedures for parking their cars .

He Miles: We chose the tank as a means of protest, because it represents the strength and the best way to defend when going to war.

Hundreds of residents and traders staged a demonstration last week in front of the municipality building on the Bristol to urge the president to rethink the proposals. Traders fear that commends this project customers not resident in the area for shopping from their shops.
