Anjali Ajith

User Type : Standard User
Drinking milk reduces women's arthritis

Drinking milk reduces women's arthritis

Post By : Anjali Ajith

Post Rank : 1490th

Category : Health & Fitness

Sub Category : Women's Health

15 Apr 2014

New research suggests that drinking milk is fighting against inflammation of the joints, such as women, but for other dairy products such as yogurt and cheese may not be such a need.

Berass the findings of researchers from US National Lung and Blood Institute use low-fat or non-fat valves can reduce inflammation of the joints. However, no such effect in men drinks the milk.

The researchers under the supervision of Dr. Bing Lu of Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston, also has announced that eating a lot of cheese will have exactly the reverse effect and enhances the inflammation of the joints.

In this research it is known that a large impact on yogurt overused inflammation of the knee in the men's and women’s.

Researchers say bone and arthritis is one of the most common and the most advanced is that the inflammation on the American citizen at nearly 27 million years or more, and affects the knee inflammation also is more common among women.

Article published on Arthritics Care research about effect of bigger & Research dairy consumption on the progress of arthritis of the knee. On this and other information, according to Lu believes that consumption of milk plays an important role in bone health.

Recent research on the 900 and 1260 man with knee inflammation that dairy consumption rate info done they registered. The status of their knees at the start of time and research 12, 24, 36 and 48 later examined.

While the research the relationship between milk consumption and the health of the knee respectively, but about the cause-and-effect it is not appreciable.

Lu has announced that our findings suggest women who consume milk in the constant risk of inflammation and growth and reduce arthritis. Of course, he still needs to do more research in this area.

Two of the nutritionists believe that milk consumption can cause knee health.

Christine Santori of nutrition and weight management center program manager Syosset in New York has said that in addition to doing more research is better to women who suffer from inflammation of the bones we offer low fat or without valves as a tool to deal with the use

Marlo Mittler also confirms that milk consumption impact on the health of women. Milk protein and phosphorus, boasts rich in vitamin D, which is taking it to everyday life.

Based on his statements not to find out the main cause of reduced milk consumption influence on arthritis need more time. We should also point out that whole milk can not, such as low-fat and fat-free valves to prevent inflammation and arthritis may be helpful.

He says that should be on the root cause to affect bone health and the role of milk consumption on women's role in preventing inflammation of the knee of estrogen. Calcium can also be on the bone health of women differently than men, role-playing.

Based on the high fat cheese Mittler said maybe to be able to show you why this food in different ways on the increased inflammation of the knee.

To cut the pain and inflammation of the joints in other ways, such as placement of a healthy weight and reduce the pressure and taking vitamin C to produce the same cartilage fatty acids, antioxidants and other antivirus on there body connections.
