Akhil Satheesh

User Type : Moderator
Old recipes for hair straightening

Old recipes for hair straightening

Post By : Akhil Satheesh

Post Rank : 1621th

Category : Fashion & Beauty

Sub Category : Beauty

26 Apr 2014

Tired of modern tests which are not useful? Did not regain some of the old recipes? It may be more effective on your hair.

The old recipes, effective and easy, as well as simple components that will require additional effort, all you have to do is repeat this recipe every week until you see the effect you're looking for.


• Cups of corn oil.

• Cup of starch.

• 4 tablespoons of honey.

• Pack of yogurt.


1. Gather the components in a sealed box.

2. Please pack it well to dissolve the starch in the oil.

3. Divide your hair into four sections.

4. Place the ingredients on the hair from the scalp to the parties.

5. Splinter your hair thoroughly until smooth and spread.

6. in your hair, and then put the plastic bag.

7. Cook for two hours or more depending on how much you.

8. Use the dryer to heat from the heat of the oil and its interaction with your hair.

9. After the expiration of the time do you wash your hair well and drain gently with a towel.

10. return the roll your hair as little energy retains its appearance extended.
