Yedu Satheesh

User Type : Standard User
Britain: PC government adds insult to Muslims in Wikipedia

Britain: PC government adds insult to Muslims in Wikipedia

Post By : Yedu Satheesh

Post Rank : 1468th

Category : Technology

Sub Category : Internet

01 May 2014

Denounced the charity site represents encyclopedia "Wikipedia" online amendments were introduced from government computers after the emergence of more cases of vandalism.The BBC discovered that the phrase "all Muslims are terrorists" were added to the page about the veil. In another amendment, has been deleted from the text in the subject of a scandal involving the purchase Real Estate Cherie Blair, wife of former Prime Minister, Tony Blair, in 2002. The newspaper revealed (Liverpool Echo) last week that it has been added to the subject of offensive phrases special disaster (Hillsborough) that occurred during a football match between Liverpool and Forest Nontingham the late eighties of the last century. Said Stevie Benton branch of Wikimedia Britain, told the BBC, "We find this kind of vandalism awful."The Wikimedia Britain is a local branch of the Wikimedia Foundation global charity, created by Jimmy Wales, founder of Wikipedia, to support the thousands of volunteers who edit content encyclopedia on the Internet. Benton added that "Wikipedia is the encyclopedia that anyone can be edited."

"The payment of this openness to the presence of considerable amount of research reference, which represents great value, despite the fact that vandalism happens from time to time, we are grateful for the many thousands of volunteers who write and liberate and organize the content."The office of prime minister in Britain wrote an e-mail that "the amendments made to the Wikipedia revolting. This behavior is in total violation of the Civil Service Law. It is totally unacceptable.""The civil service law applies at all times will deal with violations quite seriously. Has already announced an investigation to look at abusive editorial changes to Wikipedia, and we will examine other concerns that are raised."

"Source of evil"

The BBC discovered more than 100 cases of inappropriate editorial changes and distortion and deleted by computers has entered into Wikipedia through addresses to Internet protocols knows that they are used by government agencies. The modification of the subject from the "veil" in October / October 2006, the words: "It should be pointed out that the word veil, when re-arrange the letters read the word evil."He said the amendment "Because the veil worn by mostly Muslim, and all Muslims are terrorists (and the argument that all terrorists were Muslims), it should be on everyone's Note this is the truth."

But another volunteer in Wikipedia to delete this comment six minutes later. Nasima Begum said a spokesman for the Muslim Council of Britain told the BBC that "these types of trends that is creating a climate of unnecessary fear and hostility."She Begum "It is shocking and raises significant concerns that such provocative comments sent by someone from within the government."

Delete paragraphs

In addition to the distortion, omit large parts of the texts on the Wikipedia site. In 2002, the Cherie Blair, wife of former British Prime Minister Tony Blair, a public apology after it was discovered that they had bought two apartments at a discounted price with the help of convicted conman Peter Foster and named. And delete a government computer in October / October 2005 paragraphs relating to this incident in your topic Bashiri Blair in Wikipedia. And another user has subsequently re changes to the subject, confirming that it is "relevant to the reputation of the person concerned," a reference to Blair's wife. It was not possible to contact the BBC Bashiri Blair to discuss this matter, and there is no indication that they were aware of these changes.

He praised Benton from Wikipedia Britain effort done by the editors of the site in correcting these changes."The liberation of this kind deletes too quickly by volunteers who write and liberate Wikipedia, often in a matter of minutes."The government intensified its monitoring of the amendments carried out by the government computers after a report to the newspaper (Liverpool Echo) How added offensive comments to fans of Liverpool to one of the pages that talk in detail about the Hillsborough disaster.

And signed the Hillsborough disaster in Sheffield in 1989 during a football match between Liverpool and Nottingham Forest and claimed the lives of 96 people and wounding hundreds. The Prime Minister's Office acknowledged that, given the nature of the computer network of its own, it would be almost impossible to track responsible for the remarks offensive. A spokesman for the office, "We exhaust all possible options, and any person who has the information he should contact the Office of the Prime Minister."
