Akhil Satheesh

User Type : Moderator
Is Green tea cosmetically beneficial for you?

Is Green tea cosmetically beneficial for you?

Post By : Akhil Satheesh

Post Rank : 1493th

Category : Health & Fitness

Sub Category : Diet and Fitness

04 May 2014

There are many health benefits of tea Verde  but what about the cosmetic benefits?

Green tea can be considered as a buffer for the integrated benefits of the skin. It contains a great deal of antioxidants that are effective against free radicals. (These free radicals, are formed when the skin is exposed to the sun's ultraviolet rays, responsible for premature aging.)

The scientists discovered recently that green tea is very effective in keeping the skin from sunburn and pigmentation when placed directly on the skin.

The antioxidants found in green tea is also responsible for the fight against skin cancer by preventing the harmful enzymes that cause cancer, and unwanted.

Green Tea and positive effect on the skin

This is a component of natural wonder is also responsible for the process of cell renewal.Where are activated keratinocytes biologically by polyphenol compounds found in green tea, which in turn make up the DNA and prevent premature aging of cells.

In the case of inflammation of the skin, green tea is considered as a great sedative. Where green tea affect positively on the cases of psoriasis and rosacea, and the accompanying inflammatory and redness annoying.

Green tea helps in cases of acne and pimples, in terms of reducing levels of bacteria, known as antioxidants, and reduces the over-stimulation of hormones skin. In addition, improving the overall appearance of the skin and skin and can be used as a drink or a mask.

Experts point out that the development of green tea mask on the face directly protects against sun damage and treats acne and pimples more effectively.
