Anjali Ajith

User Type : Standard User
The Power of Meditation:Secrets which are unknown to all

The Power of Meditation:Secrets which are unknown to all

Post By : Anjali Ajith

Post Rank : 1484th

Category : Social-Mania

Sub Category : Around the world

11 Jul 2014

With almost six billion minds in the world, there areendless streams of ideas on every aspect of creation.
Some ideas about reality and some are about fantasy. And there are also many myths and rumors about the most popular themes are common mistakes revolve around the concept of "meditation". The word, hoping to conjure up all kinds of images and different concepts. If you really want to know the meaning of meditation for you, you should read more facts to find out.

Common mistake # 1 meditation focus

In fact, meditation is the opposite of focus. But that could be the focus of a meditation gains. the focus requires effort while meditation is relaxing for the mind. Meditation is to leave your mind goes away, and when that happens, the State of deep rest. When relaxing the mind, we can focus better.

Common mistake # 2 reflection of religious rites.

Yoga and meditation are practices of old before the all religions. In fact, meditation can help in proper focus.We encourage people from all walks of life and religions, traditions and cultures to experience the meditation to achieve a higher rank of religious faith and reverence.

Common mistake # 4 meditation is the older sport

Not only meditation on a particular age group, anyone of any age can learn to meditate, even children. Just like the showers keep meditating on the mind calm and clean your body of toxic ideas, meditation is the greatest tonic for the mind without the negative effects of steroids are common.

Common mistake # 5 looks like meditation hypnosis

Meditation is an antidote to hypnosis. In hypnosis, a person is not aware of what it's about. While meditation is a full awareness of all the instant but slowly. The hypnosis takes a person through the sameimpressions on his mind. While the free meditation the mind of these impressions and return it to the starting point.

Common mistake # 6 meditation is to control thoughts

Ideas do not come to us through advocacy. But beaware that we receive! Ideas are like clouds in the sky.They come and go on their own. And to try to master the ideas involved in the effort, while key relaxed mind is simply the opposite. In meditation, we do not crave for good ideas and not trying to avoid bad ideas. We simply move beyond ideas and move into the space of immemorial silence procedure.

Common mistake # 7 meditation is a way to escape problems

On the contrary, meditation allows you to face problems with a smile. These skills help us to deal with situations in a pleasant and constructive. Meditation helps to develop the ability to accept situations as a conscious action rather than reflect on the past or worrying about the future. Meditation nourish the inner strength and self-respect. It works as an umbrella during rainy days.

Common mistake # 8 you have to meditate for hours to reach the result

Start, you do not have to sit for hours to experience deep meditation. Contact with the inner core or source can occur in just one part of the moment. They sit quietly for 20 minutes of meditation each morning and evening is enough to take you on a wonderful journey.You can also practice meditation every day.

Common mistake #9 meditation makes you a monk or hermit

To get to the rank of monk or hermit must renounce all earthly pleasures of life, and the spiritual path, but meditation simply sport mentality brings calm and relaxation of the mind. Meditation does motivates you to abandon your current but it helps you think more clearly and make decisions rationally more comfortably.

Common mistake # 10 You can't meditate only at certain times

Any time it suits you is a time for meditation. One thing that you should take into account is that your stomach is full, hunger is not consistent with meditation and relaxation and fateful decisions! However, choose the times you usually calm like a sunrise or sunset (morning and evening) for a more quiet moments in the day.
