Jessica Abraham

User Type : Standard User
Everything about hiccups: Its causes and problems!

Everything about hiccups: Its causes and problems!

Post By : Jessica Abraham

Post Rank : 1617th

Category : Health & Fitness

Sub Category : other

16 Jul 2014

You can help with common home remedies to stop hiccups
This happens because swallowed air with the food, or eating too fast or eating spicy foods or drink a lot of soft drinks or alcohol or fear, excitement or sudden changes in temperature or certain medications or certain diseases or abdominal surgery. According to experts

As a medical term for the hiccup is singultus — a situation that there are reflex, staccato, spasmodic contraction or spasm of the muscles of the diaphragm accompanied by closure of the muscles of the oboe, the voice. Hiccup is very common, and normal and transient in many cases, it affects all the people in their lives, and seldom becomes elusive, hiccup is divided into three types:

1. A brief hiccup: A spell that can last for up to 48 hours.

2. A continuous hiccup: It can last for more than 48 hours or several days.

3. A hiccup insurmountable: Can last for longer than a month.

When hiccup becomes a serious health problem?

Although most bouts of hiccups don't last longer than a few minutes, and sometimes may last for a few hours, maintained continuously for more than one day, chafing you seek medical advice. The situation can be an indication of a more serious problem be confused, for example, central nervous system, stroke, injury or reduced kidney function or mental health problems, etc.

How to treat hiccups?

And can help common home remedies to stop hiccups such as closing the nose and holding your breath, gurgling water or drink cold water or eating a spoonful of sugar or peanut butter, or honey, or chewing the seeds dill or breathing in a brown paper bag and other conventional treatments.

How to avoid contracting the hiccups?

If you want to avoid hiccups, the process is very simple and all you have to do is avoid the things that trigger bouts of hiccups such as a bulging stomach, soft drinks, and swallowing air, and sudden changes in glycemic index or ambient temperature, alcohol, smoking, stress or excitement. In addition to avoid drinking plenty of fluids and eating too fast, eating very hot or swallowing air while eating.
