Yedu Satheesh

User Type : Standard User
Do you suffer from post-natal depression after World Cup?

Do you suffer from post-natal depression after World Cup?

Post By : Yedu Satheesh

Post Rank : 2221th

Category : Sports Arena

Sub Category : Football

22 Jul 2014

Avoid watching the games on your own
If you are a follower and fan of soccer World Championships, must you feel a great vacuum after the end of the World Cup. I live in a passionate, and you devote part of your time to follow the games with friends in specific places, and now after the World Cup this time became empty again, and divide friends and no apparent activity table or interesting topics to talk about. Maybe I felt nervous at the beginning, the unit and the common withdrawal symptoms that are often associated with depression.

Routine makes us more disciplined

When we have something to look forward to each day and ends suddenly, begin with a sense of despair and emptiness. Especially with something fun and social, such as the soccer tournament that looks all the world collectively, they are a global event par excellence.

Symptoms of depression after the World Cup:

Experts say that irritability and sadness and laziness are all definite signs of depression. So some may avoid going to work and avoid any building work, but could you spend hours surfing the Internet to follow the news of players injured, the movement of top players, and celebrations of winning teams, and other news related to the football star.

Experts believe that many fanatics of football can be now at risk of postpartum depression Depression Post Tournament Championship. While the symptoms may disappear for some weeks, some people may find it difficult to get rid of the symptoms of depression and may need specialist help.

How to deal with depression after the World Cup:

-Do not isolate yourself. Try to maintain a routine meeting with friends or family to talk about other topics, search for common activities everyone can enjoy. Talk with friends about how you feel sad for the World Cup, may find comfort in that.

-Avoid neglecting work or study, but on the contrary, more engaged in your work or your studies to make up what you missed from the time you spend in the follow-up and analysis, and sports news.

-Avoid watching the games or surfing the Internet, the obsession with sports news can make you sadder and blues.

-Preoccupied with activities and other things. Remember, your life was before the World Cup and still have a life after the World Cup. Plans for a short break to relax and renew energy and activity.
