Jessica Abraham

User Type : Standard User
Tips for dealing with your spouse during the menstrual cycle

Tips for dealing with your spouse during the menstrual cycle

Post By : Jessica Abraham

Post Rank : 1646th

Category : Health & Fitness

Sub Category : Women's Health

03 Aug 2014

Not to stay away from her until she feels outcast
Some men do not understand the physical and psychological changes experienced by women during the menstrual period, which can cause some marital problems as a result of the nerve which controls the situation of women in those days.

To end days of stress and anxiety during the menstrual period, you must pay attention to some things that help him in dealing with his wife during this period:

1. Do not click on them and castigates for her party spirit and tense.

2. Handle gently until beyond these days.

3. Not to stay away from them so they don't feel shunned.

4. Foreplay wife to reduce tensions.

5. Stay away from the brawl and voice, so as not to worsen things and mental condition worsened.

6. Try to do some chores that require effort.

7. Try to ease them out and stroll in quiet places
