Jessica Abraham

User Type : Standard User
Vegetables to treat oily skin in summer

Vegetables to treat oily skin in summer

Post By : Jessica Abraham

Post Rank : 1514th

Category : Fashion & Beauty

Sub Category : Beauty

08 Aug 2014

Use lemon juice as a holding of the pores is that oily skin
Always oily skin needs special care, the fat produced by the skin frequently requires searching for many medications to get rid of them rather than their appearance that may be troublesome and awkward in front of others, and certainly will be the products of nature are the best presents you this, fruits and vegetables contain compounds and natural minerals to catch skin pores, thus reducing the secretion of fat, the most important vegetables include:

1. Cucumber

Cucumber juice is a wonderful astringent for oily skin pores, and the option clear in skin whitening effect and get rid of dark circles under the eyes may appear, as well as its own to get rid of the stains and impurities that may infect the face in the summer periods.

2. Parsley

Uses soaked parsley in clean oily skin or with acne because of its instrumental in freeing the pores of excess fat and sediment out of the other.

3. Tomato

Tomato is the best they can count on to narrow pores of the face, the characteristics of tomato skin very oily they fit as well as skin very dry, just chop the tomatoes into thin slices and gently pass it on your skin greasy.

4. Lemon

Use lemon juice as a holding of pores, and so it is beneficial to skin deposition of excess fat, then thin layer of lemon juice in the fat face and then rinse it with lukewarm water after it dries can make your skin radiant and clean free of fats and oils completely.
