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Whatsapp not working on New Year 2018. Don't panic

Whatsapp not working on New Year 2018. Don't panic

Whatsapp stopped working on New Year.  People around the globe are not able to send or receive messages. Don't panic friends it will be just a technical error. How you gonna send your new year wishes? Is it a perfect start for social media users?...

Good News For Teenage facebook users.!

Good News For Teenage facebook users.!

Recently facebook announced a happy news for their teenage users. Now facebook no longer restricts the teen from posting their status and other contents. Facebook’s many under-18 users will be able  use their privacy as easily as the site&...

Amazing ways to look Gorgeous

Amazing ways to look Gorgeous

Nowadays, teens need to be more good looking and gorgeous. For this they use more cosmetics items. Actually it leads to the early aging. Take a look here; we can adopt some natural methods to be gorgeous. So, there is no need of costly facial or cosmetics...

Simple things you can do to reduce pollution!

Simple things you can do to reduce pollution!

We can do many things to reduce the impact of pollution. By controlling the use of energy, transport, good and services, we can reduce the harmful effects on environment. There are many reasons for the cause of pollution made by human and the cause can re...

USA defeats Mars By Freezing Weather

USA defeats Mars By Freezing Weather

The chilling cold in USA is above to that in Mars. On last Thursday the temperature in Mars was -36°c. But in Babit (USA) the temperature was -38°c. The ice falling and severe chilling exceed all that in last decades. The waterfalls and rive...

Mahatma Gandhi : Unknown Facts and Interesting information about the holy soul!

Mahatma Gandhi : Unknown Facts and Interesting information about the holy soul!

Everyone is aware of regarding Gandhi. He was born on 2 October 1869.  Gandhi led India to independence and impressed movements for civil rights and freedom across the planet. Today we have a genuine intension to share you some attention-grabbin...

What is Li-Fi?

What is Li-Fi?

Li-Fi is a label for wireless-communication systems using light as a carrier instead of traditional radio frequencies, as in Wi-Fi..  Nan , a professor at shanghai’s fudan university  along with her research team have experimented using th...

Is Chicken, a Feathered dinosaur?

Is Chicken, a Feathered dinosaur?

Actually some scientists hint that Chicken is a new age Dinosaur. Birds are amazingly similar in bone structure to the fearsome predator Velociraptor (not a missing link itself, Velociraptor was the start of a chain of evolution leading to birds). So h...

Simple steps to be happy in life

Simple steps to be happy in life

Everyone faces problems in life. So its we who decide about our mood swings. So its very important that we must be able to do certain things to control your emotions. So today we are here providing few steps or things to be done to stay happy in life. You...

Ways to stay happy and energetic at your work place!

Ways to stay happy and energetic at your work place!

Work is always a stress for those people who consider work as a burden. So prime objective is to enjoy the work we do. Here below we provide some simple tips which can help you to stay happy at work. If you are an employee, then there is a chance that ...

Top four endangered species of earth.

Top four endangered species of earth.

We are here discussing about the endangered animals of the world. These animals are on the verge of extinction. It is probably due to the human activities. We humans do many activities which harm the our wild life. Following are the top four endangered a...

Reasons  to stay single until 30 .

Reasons to stay single until 30 .

The main reason to say it’s better to stay single till 30 is that it gives you a chance to enjoy personal freedom and independence. You can go wherever you want, make any decisions as you wish . You can have as much fun as you want without feeli...

Brand New BMW X4(2015)

Brand New BMW X4(2015)

According to the reports, BMW X4 will be more attractive in its look. This BMW X4 will create a market leadership in crossover-coupe-SUV segment. This car will reach the market by next year. The 2015 BMW X4 will be the best at its performance. Sport lo...

How to express your love ?

How to express your love ?

Love is a beautiful feeling and it should be expressed in the most beautiful way where words cant . so here are few ways to express your love ; Just listen: Listen to every word they speak .this creates a feeling in their mind that you are inter...

Discrimination in workplace !

Discrimination in workplace !

Discrimination basically means to distinguish one object from another. It means to treat people differently, refers to the wrong act of making a difference in treatment or favour on a basis other than individual merit. Employment discrimination is trea...

Egypt The Land Of History

Egypt The Land Of History

Egypt is one of the most popular tourist attractions in Africa. It has an abundant culture. The variety of cultures in Egypt, it takes the territory of Egypt into a higher position among the other countries. The world’s largest river Nile is situat...

10 Interesting facts about World War 2

10 Interesting facts about World War 2

World War 2 was a global conflict that lasted from 1939 to 1945. It involved the majority of the world's nations—including all of the great powers—eventually forming two opposing military alliances: the Allies and the Axis. The war was pri...

How to market a dead rat? : Marketing Ways

How to market a dead rat? : Marketing Ways

Ok ok hold up. I know you people read the title and went like 'What the shemurr you talking about brah. its impossible. Who would want a dead rat.' but hey, guess what thats what marketing is about making the impossible possible for the word impos...

Why Digital marketing is important for your business?

Why Digital marketing is important for your business?

Digital marketing is beneficial for businesses of all sizes and industries as it allows you to reach and engage with a wider audience and achieve your marketing goals. Here are some reasons why digital marketing is good for your business: Increas...

Honda's Moving Chair

Honda's Moving Chair

Honda introduces its new moving chair. It catches views of some people but some people also says that they are excited for the product.! Mail carriers still ride in trucks, athletes still use boards and bike. Still, all may not be lost in the world of sel...

20 most dangerous animals in the world

20 most dangerous animals in the world

No doubt all of god’s creations are beautiful and useful, and this rule applies to animals as well. But every animal has its own characteristics and sometimes when he compromised domain can largely be dangerous. 20.Africanized Honey Bee:An expe...

Strange physical ants

Strange physical ants

Based on studies performed upon seeing the blue ants which prevents the continuation of the movement and its progress can be your body by connecting to each other and very accurate account boat and made the Queen Ant for crossing the dam created by the wa...

Maybe...Maybe- real iron men are coming soon Google announces

Maybe...Maybe- real iron men are coming soon Google announces

Maybe- real iron men are coming soon Google announces that they'll be bringing out google glass this year,probably in june.with google glass in your eyes,you'll feel like real iron man!!!so iron man is no more a fictional character!!! Google is b...

Toyota to introduce Hydrogen powered electric cars in US

Toyota to introduce Hydrogen powered electric cars in US

Hydrogen-powered electric cars expected to be sold more than previous expectations of toyota.they're bringing it out for sale in the US in calls it FCV uses hydrogen as fuel for a battery and steam is the only exhaust.accordin...

Simple Skin Care Tips for Men

Simple Skin Care Tips for Men

Interest in beautifying the face of very important thing men can change their appearance. Keep your skin moist - peeling the skin and get rid of dead skin cells can leave your skin smoother and cleaner. You can use soap daily cleaning and a nice face a...

Sachin's Official Letter to BCCI

Sachin's Official Letter to BCCI

The official letter which Sachin Tendulkar wrote to BBCI: "All my life, I have had a dream of playing cricket for India. I have been living this dream every day for the last 24 years. It’s hard for me to imagine a life without playing cricke...

Which is the ideal time to reach orgasm?

Which is the ideal time to reach orgasm?

This study will not love men! But it's the truth. A new study has found that 45% of men end up very quickly from sex-fast only 2 minutes!The famous author says Harry Fisch, "two minutes is the time too fast for any woman, she will not be able to ...

Records Made By Indian Cricket Team  in 2013 In Various Formats :

Records Made By Indian Cricket Team in 2013 In Various Formats :


Why Emotional intelligence is important like IQ ?

Why Emotional intelligence is important like IQ ?

Emotions shape the path of our lives and influence our decision-making process. Our emotional actions and reactions affect who we are and control whether or not we are able to achieve our goals. As Aristotle said, the problem is not with emotionality, but...

Regret- A feeling?

Regret- A feeling?

Regretting on things you have done is common for all of us. So just below is a poem on regret. Same mistakes I repeat; For the same I regret!   Feeble smile i express; Time is meagre to confess!   Past has come fast; With...

Prices of luxury cars like Jaguar, BMW, Mercedes drops in India

Prices of luxury cars like Jaguar, BMW, Mercedes drops in India

Luxury on wheels currently prices less, because of recent moves by automotive manufacturers to assemble cars domestically and additionally supply additional engines and different components from at intervals Asian country. costs of luxury automotive model...

Animal Cruelty really a threat?

Animal Cruelty really a threat?

This article argues that it is important to engage in large-scale studies of the scope of, and Factors related to,animal cruelty. Although animal cruelty has previously been linked to later both juvenile and adult violence, little research has established...

M.S.Dhoni is very keen & fit to continue As Indian Captain

M.S.Dhoni is very keen & fit to continue As Indian Captain

Indian Skipper M.S. Dhoni says that he don’t have any plan to drop captaincy at this stage. "I think, it's a point of no return with the World Cup literally one year away from now. It won't give a new guy the ideal time to play, at l...

Tips to Improve Romance after Mariage

Tips to Improve Romance after Mariage

In today’s world, all are really busy with their works. They are in short of time. Both men and women are busy. They fail to express their love. Women always say that their guy is not romantic and doesn’t love them. Men find it so irritating w...

8 things -Boys notice about girls!

8 things -Boys notice about girls!

Yes the hottie is sitting across the table buried in his book... But trust me don’t be so sure about what you just see... you never know he maybe noticing you!!! And not just noticing... but noticing EVERYTHING about you!! So don’t under estim...

How to recover from emotionally after breakups?

How to recover from emotionally after breakups?

The emotional distance is associated with many variables and perhaps also the hardest emotional ties because it involves many challenges, insecurity, despite the presence of some successful cases of course. If you have been or have your friend just for em...

3D Printing Technology

3D Printing Technology

The 3D printing technology made its way to the technological world in the year 1986, but did not gain importance until 1990. It was not that popular outside the world of engineering, architecture and manufacturing. In recent years 3D printers have become ...

Tourist Attractions in Spain

Tourist Attractions in Spain

Spain is one of the world’s most attractive tourist destinations. It is a democracy organized in the form of parliamentary government with a constitutional monarchy. The most attraction of Spain is held by ‘La Tomatina’ which is a fes...

HTC launches One (E8), the plastic version of its flagship phone

HTC launches One (E8), the plastic version of its flagship phone

NEW DELHI: Taiwanese telephone big HTC has declared One (E8), a variant of HTC One (M8) that sports a poly carbonate body rather than the metal one. HTC refers to the One (E8)'s style as 'Dual Curve' and claims that it fits naturally within th...

Worlds most expensive Car: Lamborghini Veneno Roadster

Worlds most expensive Car: Lamborghini Veneno Roadster

Lamborghini Veneno Roadster is the world’s most expensive car. Why do you think it is the expensive car? Why does it costs this much? There are many reasons for the cost of this amazing sports car. The starting of Lamborghini Veneno is $4.5 mi...

Polar Bear Management and Policy

Polar Bear Management and Policy

The polar bear’s habitat is melting away, threatening its survival, but we can still save this Arctic icon. By taking immediate steps to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, we can address the root cause of global warming. We can help the polar bear ...

1.6 billion people on social networks

1.6 billion people on social networks

   According to the studies 1.61 billion people, more than one in five globally, uses the social networking sites at least monthly this year, eMarketer has said. The study show an increase of 14.2 per cent from a year ago and growth will i...

Plants which help you to get rid of migrain

Plants which help you to get rid of migrain

Here are some types of plants that can help ease the pain of migraine headaches that get by both men and women, including:1.Tea and coffeeAre often advised them during a bout headaches, where frequently caffeine, a cup of coffee heavy can reduce the sever...

Few modern day phobias

Few modern day phobias

A phobia is an intense fear of something that, in reality, poses little or no actual danger. Common phobias and fears include closed-in places, heights, highway driving, flying insects, snakes, and needles. Here are few modern day phobias Phobophobia...

Has smoking become a 'cool' factor among teens?

Has smoking become a 'cool' factor among teens?

Studies show that the teens, who smoke, drink and do drugs; do these because they want to change something about themselves and their lives. The common reasons for indulging in such habits are –  1. To fit into a gang and to be accepted as o...

Severe Pollution in China

Severe Pollution in China

As days are passing by,the air in china is getting worser. This is due to the extreme air polution. Thick clouds of smog are a common scene in china by now.  The efforts taken by government are not good enough to bring a permanent solution to thes...

Flappy Bird creator took down game as 'it was just too addictive'

Flappy Bird creator took down game as 'it was just too addictive'

Flappy Bird the most popular game among teens was removed last day. Many of the fans were very sad about this decision by the founder to remove it. Dong Nguyen, the creator of Flappy Bird, told the Wall Street Journal: "It was just too addictive.....

Eco-Friendly Fashion Show in Abu Dhabi,U.A.E

Eco-Friendly Fashion Show in Abu Dhabi,U.A.E

It began yesterday evening fashion shows, eco-friendly events that are held within the "Festival of the Emirates Green " and will continue until 12 April / this April in the " Abu Dhabi Mall ." A number of fashion designers are being t...

Quantum Computing: Challenges,Triumphs and Applications

Quantum Computing: Challenges,Triumphs and Applications

Quantum computing is one of the field of research that has the potential to truly transform a technology.such machines could make todays best computers look like basic toys.the researchers in this sector claim that they are proceeding very fast and made a...

Tricks to help you eat less

Tricks to help you eat less

There are useful tricks to help you eat less all day long .maintaining healthy body is a combination of both exercise and eating healthy foods. Eating healthy foods not only mean choosing the right food. It also takes into account of the amount you consum...

Generation gap- New generation or old generation?

Generation gap- New generation or old generation?

Generation gap can be considered as nothing but certainly it is a psychological and emotional gap between parent’s and the younger ones. Generation gap also leads in creating misunderstanding between the parents and children and also it’s redu...

Taming frizzy hair

Taming frizzy hair

Here are few tips to tame your frizzy hair :- 1. Don't brush your hair when it’s dry. Run wet fingers through dry hair. It will help specially on a humid day. Avoid the urge to brush 2. Towel your hair lightly after shower and apply a leav...

Walking is the best medicine for Kidney Patients!

Walking is the best medicine for Kidney Patients!

Recent research has shown that walking can reduce pain and inflammation and immune enhancing renal patients is effective. These effects can play an important role in reducing heart disease or infection and may even result in longer life for kidney pati...

Tips to tighten the slack skin after weight loss

Tips to tighten the slack skin after weight loss

A fitness concern because women, who seek always to lose a lot of mid-upper arm in various ways, in a short time, by following strict diets for strength is lean. But excessive weight loss occurs very quickly causing you the problem of sagging skin, wrinkl...

The end of IPL 7

The end of IPL 7

The Kolkata Knight Riders kept their aggregate cool in a high-scoring last for the second time in three years to turn into a standout amongst the best groups of the IPL. Manish Pandey's 94 off 50 balls helped the side draw off a pursuit of 200 and not...

Hearts Breaks In A Young Girl's Life

Hearts Breaks In A Young Girl's Life

This is a poem which conveys how a girl's is being hurted in relationships.! So below is the poem :   Heartbreaks In A Young Girl's Life You told me that you loved every bit of me, You made me feel like I was the water of yo...

Smile- Something which increases our beauty

Smile- Something which increases our beauty

Below is a poem . Smile is a phenomenon which increases our beauty. So enjoy the poem.:   My anger masks it; My emotion shows it.   I'm elegant with it; I'm despair without it.   I am displeased In its absence;...

World Cup Fever Begins Today.!

World Cup Fever Begins Today.!

The 2014 Fifa tourney begins on weekday as hosts Brazil open the tournament against European country.The month-long tournament sees thirty two nations contend for an area within the final in Rio on Sunday, 13 July.The gap match are going to be preceded by...

A new war between Samsung and Apple

A new war between Samsung and Apple

Competition escalated between the Korean Samsung and Apple us on smart phones produced by both companies, where the latest leaks coming from the United States that the phones "iPhone 6" which will see the light in the next few months, will inclu...

New BMW I8 is known as "BMW Concept Vision Efficient Dynamics

New BMW I8 is known as "BMW Concept Vision Efficient Dynamics

The new BMW I8 is also known as "BMW Concept Vision Efficient Dynamics". Richard Kim brought the concept of i8 in 2011. It’s is the a sports car with two door coupe it is related to the BMW i3 it had a engine of 1.5 L turbocharged I3 gasol...

How to protect your skin while you are travelling!

How to protect your skin while you are travelling!

To make up for a longer period of time you put light coat of powder on eyelidsSummer approached and excursions abound, but each woman to take care of her skin of the airplane where studies have shown that frequent travel and drought within the plane affec...

What I Seek For?

What I Seek For?

  I want to get my dear friend, He wants to keep a transparent mind. He must always be a man of love, Then we could share our pain.   I want to find my prime teacher. He must be a lord of learning; Be a saint, when deals both boys and g...

Increasing your self-esteem!

Increasing your self-esteem!

Our self-esteem is instilled within us from childhood. Constant criticisms from family and friends tend to slowly strip us of our feeling of being worthy. Increasing your self-esteem improves your confidence, which is the first step for leading a happy li...



A dream where we expects to see our wishes and things we go through in our mind. So below is a poem :   World around me is colourful; Life what i lead is fruitful.   All that i saw was pitiful; It really seemed to be awful. ...

Its all about you

Its all about you

 It’s all about you is a simple poem..! Creativity is to be shared.   I was frenzied at first sight; You looked ravishing and bright. I was radiant!               ...

Instagram reaches 200million users .

Instagram reaches 200million users .

Mark Zuckerber announced   instagram crosses 200 million users. The figure arrived during conference call explaining why he had purchased Oculus VR for $2 billion — or more than twice the price of Instagram. About 50million people had ...

Google to launch its own Wireless Network

Google to launch its own Wireless Network

Google Inc. has announced the pending launch of its wireless network. Sources quoted the executive director of the company spoke about the project in the areas in which we are equipped with broadband, fiber optic, Google, Google launched a dedicated wirel...

Amazing Facts - You may  be amazed.!

Amazing Facts - You may be amazed.!

If the people in the developing world needed as much land to support them as the people in the industrialized world, we would need three earths to live. Scientists studying one tree in Peru found 23 ant species. That is about the same number of ant s...

You can use.!But u cant hide.!-Facebook

You can use.!But u cant hide.!-Facebook

Facebook announced changes for its privacy settings.! Members of the social network used to have a privacy setting called "Who can look up your Timeline by name?" that allowed their profile to be hidden from searches within the site, even if ...

What are the habit of a successful man?

What are the habit of a successful man?

Succeeding in life isn't solely regarding working hard, however conjointly operating good.We all wish to achieve success in life. however several folks find yourself operating more durable in wrong areas of life. however straightforward habits and sma...

Google to shut down Orkut!

Google to shut down Orkut!

Google Tuesday same it's movement down Orkut, its "first raid social networking," to specialize in YouTube, Blogger, and Google+ services that have verified additional well-liked.The California technology titan can pull the plug on 10-year-old Orkut at th...

Basic Daily Skin Care Regime

Basic Daily Skin Care Regime

1) Regular washing of the skin It is very necessary for you to wash your face on a regular basis. The dirt that accumulates on your skin forms a layer on your face making it look dull . It is not necessary to use very expensive products as a face wash ...

Hydrogen economy-Our sustainable future.

Hydrogen economy-Our sustainable future.

There is a diversity of fuels out there. But in terms of clean, sustainable fuels, there are only two key technologies: electric cars and hydrogen cars. Electric cars are good for shorter, urban drives, while he thinks hydrogen cars are better for larger ...

Oymyakon, Russia - The coldest village on earth

Oymyakon, Russia - The coldest village on earth

Oymyakon, Russia is the coldest village on is known as the "Pole of Cold".it got its name after the Oymyakon river.its situated in russia.Living in Oymyakon, as you can imagine, comes with some very interesting challenges. It is named a...

Ways to save your long distance relationship

Ways to save your long distance relationship

If you are looking to save your long distance relationship, here are few tips: Forget about small mistakes and make on. If you really want your relationship, you have to sacrifice at some instances. Even if you both are apart, you can keep in touc...

Social Networking Giant Facebook Buys Whatsapp

Social Networking Giant Facebook Buys Whatsapp

The famous mobile messenger Whatsapp has been bought by the social networking giant Facebook. Facebook bought Whatsapp for $19 billion which makes Whatsapp has companies biggest asset. Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg posted this news in his profile : I...

The Baby singer arrested!

The Baby singer arrested!

The pop star, Justin Beiber has been arrested on the driving under the influence of drug or alcohol, drag racing and resisting the arrest of police. According to the authorities, the star was taken into custody for the road-racing stunt pulled by him o...

V.I.Ps is on queue to join the Aam Admi Party

V.I.Ps is on queue to join the Aam Admi Party

V.I.Ps is on queue to join the Aam Admi Party. All are supporting AAP Yediyoorappa the former chief minister of Karnataka state backs from BJP as ‘Aam Admi’. It was decided that he must not be given any post or position in BJP till Lok S...

Official Announcement From WHO

Official Announcement From WHO

WHO announces air pollution – an official carcinogen? Now It’s officially announced air pollution causes cancer .The WHO’s international agency for research on cancer (IARC) announced air pollution is carcinogen .when we look around ,...

What is Einstein's Zurich Notebook?

What is Einstein's Zurich Notebook?

When Einstein died in 1955,a small brown notebook containing his private calculations was found. Called the Zurich notebook, it gives a chance to look over Einstein's shoulder as he figures out his theory of general relativity. The document known a...

The amazing spider-an 2 movie trailer released

The amazing spider-an 2 movie trailer released

  Spiderman fans has been eagerly waiting for the trailer this week following up on the teaser trailer released back in June of this year  .the new trailer provides special effects to be enjoyed and gives a glimpse of the foes Spiderman will ...

Do you want to be more accurate? Or more intelligent?

Do you want to be more accurate? Or more intelligent?

We must improve our brain because its ages with time. There are some food which can help us to prevent aging of our brains. These foods will help you to have a healthy brain. So we here provide top 5 foods that make your brain and nervous system perf...

Remedies for Fever

Remedies for Fever

Fever treatment remedies Fever comes when our body is fighting against some infection or flu in our body. So if you're fighting a fever - or trying to help your child overcome one - here are some top tips to bring it down. HEALTH TIP #1: MEDICAT...

Get rid of your face grain with this magic sauce!

Get rid of your face grain with this magic sauce!

Some girls suffer from different forms of grain in the body while leaving these pills effects especially in the facial area which affects the shape of the girl.And prefers to use natural ways to get rid of the effects of these pills and mix three tablespo...

Tips for Starting a Business You dream about

Tips for Starting a Business You dream about

It's everyone's dream to build a business empire. To start a business there are few things which you have to be careful about. 1)Start a Business on the filed which you like. Starting a business in the field you like is the most important thing. If you ...

Things you should not hide from your partner if you need a serious relationship

Things you should not hide from your partner if you need a serious relationship

If you feel you found your real partner , there are plenty of things you shouldn’t avoid form your partner  . if you hide something from him , you yourself is stopping him knowing the real you. so be sincere in your relationship. They are t...



The story line of the movie shows a Pakistani boy falling in love with an Indian girl and how he has to fight his way to convince her dysfunctional family.It sort of resembles 2 states, but in a more international level. Indian girl Asha, played by Yam...

Life Records Of Sachin

Life Records Of Sachin

Life Records Of Sachin Birth :4th April !973 Youngest Indian Test cricketer (16 years) : 1989,played against Pakistan First Test Century   : 1990,Test against England Top Most Test Cricketer: 198 tests till today. Top Most Test Run...

Spend Less and Save your future !

Spend Less and Save your future !

People find very difficult to save money. But saving money can be done easily by following some methods in your life. We here mention few tips which will surely help you to save money. Clear all our debts: Before starting saving the money we have to...

Social Networking is an evil for teenagers?

Social Networking is an evil for teenagers?

Nowadays we can see the rate of utilizing Social Networking in teens has gone up very high. Internet was first a site for seeking information about technologies and almost everything. But today people discovered that internet could be used for connecting ...

Time is Precious-Time to change yourself!

Time is Precious-Time to change yourself!

We all know that time is precious. But now days teens waste their lot of time in social networking sites, playing games etc. You never know you waste an important part of your life. We don’t ask you to stop spending time on such things. But do i...

How to detect if someone is lying to you

How to detect if someone is lying to you

1. Body language: -Expressions will be limited and stiff, body movements will be few and restricted. -The person will avoid making an eye contact. -He will be fidgety and will touch and scratch his nose and ear lobe etc., though he is unlikely to put an o...

How to deal with a depressed boyfriend?

How to deal with a depressed boyfriend?

Is your boy friend depressed? Want to make him happy? Then here you go.:1. Do a fun activity together: attempt a hobby out that you simply like — go watch a show, chill at a restaurant or just farm out a optical disk. it'll instantly perk up his...

Famous quotes On Sachin.!

Famous quotes On Sachin.!

1) I want my son to became Sachin Tendulkar - Brian Lara 2) We did not lose to a team called India, we lost to a man called Sachin - Mark Taylor 3) Nothing bad can happen to us if we were on a plane in India with Sachin on it. - Hashim Amla 4) He...



Sachin Tendulkar is on the home stretch, playing his last two Test matches of an amazing career spanning almost a quarter century. Not many legends may have had the luxury of a farewell he is rightly receiving, though quite a few stalwarts like him chose ...

Easy & Simple tips to lose your weight!

Easy & Simple tips to lose your weight!

It’s everyone’s wish to lose some weight. So here we give you some easy tips which will help you to lose weight.! 1)Drink More Water: Water is a very important factor in reducing your weight. Drink at least 4 to 5 litres of water it will su...

Demonstration on a tank in Britain

Demonstration on a tank in Britain

Although the demonstration was against the actions of the mayor of the city of belonging to British and parking in areas designated for their populations, the participants did not find only an old tank to declare their opposition. She said the BBC, &ld...

Donot in a relationship

Donot in a relationship

Donot: 1) Lie Basic things come first! No matter how silly it may seem to read...but lying is the base to ruin everything beautiful in life! If you’re lying and doing something then you know it’s wrong and hiding is never going to bring ...

Whats the problem of the smart people?

Whats the problem of the smart people?

 When hiring, promoting, even simply generating your team, you ought to search for the best folks within the area, right? Not therefore quick.Intelligence is one amongst those characteristics wherever there\'s a minimum level required to be withi...

Tips to Maintain A Healthy Life

Tips to Maintain A Healthy Life

The present lifestyle is to complicated. Too much of stress, too busy, tired all the time, annoyed, not feeling good, distracted etc. The trouble is you cannot manage to incorporate all of these good health habits so here are seven super easy, painless th...

Mind-blowing Honey Facts

Mind-blowing Honey Facts

Honey is a natural sweetener that enhances flavour, texture and preservative of foods. Honey also provides amounts of antioxidants which support strong immune function. Honey helps in lung capacity: It is a popular home remedy for improved lung heal...

Shocking reasons for depression

Shocking reasons for depression

We all know many reasons of depression causing factors like Trauma, grief, financial troubles, and unemployment is just a few. There are many more that you are less known among people. Here are a few.   1.Summer weather Sometimes depres...

Want to look smart??

Want to look smart??

Most of us think we arent smart. But we just need to be confident and do things properly to make us marter day by day. The way we live sets this parameter Change in mind set can make smarter There are two types of mind set. fixed and grwoth mind, on...



Rumors have been spreading in cyber world for few weeks that Samsung will launch Galaxy S5 in February  , along with next generation Samsung Galaxy Gear 2 .according to this new rumor ,the handset will come in two versions :one with similar curved sc...

White House : No visa for Iranian Ambassador

White House : No visa for Iranian Ambassador

The White House announced , Friday , that the United States will not issue a visa to Iran's new ambassador to the United Nations , Hamid Abu asylum for his alleged role in the hostage-taking at the U.S. Embassy in Tehran in 1979 . A spokesman for t...

Those things we never think of

Those things we never think of

Here are some things you have never think of : 20,000 times we shuts and opens our eyes (blinks) 0.5 mm our hair grows daily 13,640 litters of blood is pumping  in one heart beat 100,000 times heart beats per day for a man who has 70 beat...

Truck containing highly radioactive material has been stolen !

Truck containing highly radioactive material has been stolen !

Authorities confirmed that truck containing extremely dangerous radioactive material has been stolen in Mexico. The truck contained isotope cobalt -60 which was being carried from a hospital to a waste storage centre .it is used for treatment purpose. At ...

One Independence Day

One Independence Day

         This is a story written by Ansiya Arakkal. Talks Me provide opportunity for all to share their creativity. So enjoy the story.!                         &nbs...

Googles smart contact lenses for diabetics

Googles smart contact lenses for diabetics

Google X, the secretive research lab revealed its next product, smart contact lens, which aims at diabetes .Though sound incredibly advanced ,the technology in Google’s smart contact lens isn’t that drastic .  It reads the glucose ...

Top foods to improve sex drive !

Top foods to improve sex drive !

Any healthy food is good for sex. However, there are certain items that are particularly beneficial. Alcohol is bad for a healthy sex life - it increases the desire but decreases the performance. Walnuts It is very necessary that males include walnu...

Easy & Simple Tips To Gain Weight!

Easy & Simple Tips To Gain Weight!

Now days few people really want to gain some weight. So it’s our privilege to help you to gain some weight by simple and easy tips which all can follow .!  Eat regularly: Eat often that means eat whenever you feel hungry. Try to have 6 me...

Blueberries can be the best medicine for many diseases

Blueberries can be the best medicine for many diseases

For all types of berries, especially blue, effectively reduce the risk of diabetes and heart attacks, but the Canadian medical study revealed that blue berries may help treat symptoms of Parkinson's and a number of neurological disorders. It is known ...

Influence of Technology on Kids

Influence of Technology on Kids

Technology has had a significant effect on children. Kids in the current generation are highly interested with technology. Kids today cannot imagine a life without items such as video games, internet, cell phones and iPods. Technology has had an effect on...

Things which men notices about you .!

Things which men notices about you .!

It's every girls dream to know about what a guy notices about her when they meet. Below we mention few of the things men notice about you.! Your hair It doesn’t mean you need lengthy hair but healthy hair. They fantasize about running thei...

Antarctica- The Wonder Land

Antarctica- The Wonder Land

Antarctica is Earth’s southernmost continent. Antarctica is one of the coldest places and it is considered as a desert. It is one of the most unique tourist destinations. There are no permanent residents due to the climate. We can see only the prese...

How  to get rid of  stress ?

How to get rid of stress ?

Researchers believes the root of stress management stress is a kind of understanding this issue is that the information received is that we can check it and use it. The first step is to understand the information awareness of stress and its effects on our...

Top 10 most-followed twitter accounts

Top 10 most-followed twitter accounts

1.     Katy Perry Katy Perry, (born October 25, 1984) is an American recording artist, businesswoman, philanthropist, and actress   FOLLOWERS:  51,721,103 FOLLOWING: 134 TWEETS: 5,449   2. &...

300: Rise Of The Empire

300: Rise Of The Empire

Zack Snyder’s 300: Rise Of The Empire had a $46 Million opening in the weekend. Considering the fact that it has been seven years since the prequel of this released, it falls under the category of not bad. It is pandering to the taste of its audienc...

Things you shouldnt give-up for your partner

Things you shouldnt give-up for your partner

There are few things you shouldn’t give-up for your partner.  Relationship is all about compromise and adjusting Your family. Main thing you shouldn’t avoid for your partner is your family. Your partner must treat your family a...

What the next Ipad may have in it

What the next Ipad may have in it

Fingerprints Finger print technology will be deeply used in this type. Higher retina display High resolution screen is what we require as the next step to this. Portable We can see it getting lighter and slimer, so we can expect changes her...

Nokia to launch Android powered phones, Reports.

Nokia to launch Android powered phones, Reports.

Nokia's Android-powered device is finally getting closer to reality according to the reports on The Wall Street Journal. The phone will be officially released at Mobile World Conference at the end of this month. Nokia already has announced that they d...

Signs if he is using you

Signs if he is using you

It's every girls right to know wether you are just being used by your guy for only his own deeds. Below we have said about some cases which will help you to understand wheather hes using your or not. You pay every time you go out. It’s not wr...

Woman And Her Silence !

Woman And Her Silence !

Many of us say it’s very difficult to understand a woman. It’s hard to find out what is in her find and what she is all about. Don’t worry, you’re not alone. Woman means a lot through her silence. You need to listen very car...

Record breaking !

Record breaking !

Sony has announced that they sold more than 2.1 million PS4s worldwide. PS4 had become the fastest selling video game in UK history. president of the company described the situation as “an impressive and record setting accomplishment for the company...

Ever heard of Purple Potatoes ?

Ever heard of Purple Potatoes ?

Have you ever heard of purple potatoes? Well this veggie can sure be an addition to your healthy diet. These potatoes are largely popular in South America with their roots in Peru. They are of the size of golf ball though if it is allowed to reach m...

Unlimited sweating on head

Unlimited sweating on head

Sweat is the moisture excreted by the skin. Children are with the habit of sweating more than the elders. But majority of the children, generally have more sweating on head. If the sweat is allowed to remain there, it will be absorbed by the skin throu...

A Long Lasting Sweet Battery

A Long Lasting Sweet Battery

 A long lasting battery that runs on sugar. Scientists have developed a new biodegradable battery that runs on sugar and can work long hours without charging. In about three years this battery will replace our batteries in cell phones and any such el...

Nutritional  Deficiency leads to hair loss!

Nutritional Deficiency leads to hair loss!

Nutritional deficiencies are a common cause for hair loss and hair loss was not anyone blame her feeding itself. Some says certain plant material or certain chemical products on your head and rub your hair gives us a boost. Of course you're not, bu...

Ways to fall asleep

Ways to fall asleep

In our busy life,all forgets too sleep,or some are not able to sleep due to their work tensions,and other problems.Follow thes simple steps which may help you to get good sleep.! Studies shows that doing regular excirses will reduce the lack of slee...

Things All Affiliate Marketers have to be compelled to Survive online

Things All Affiliate Marketers have to be compelled to Survive online

Every affiliate vender is often probing for the palmy market that offers the largest payroll check. generally they assume it's a magic formula that's pronto offered for them. Actually, it's additional sophisticated than that. it's simply smart promoting p...

A cup of black tea can make u healthy.!

A cup of black tea can make u healthy.!

Black tea is a true tea from the camellia Sinensis plant. The big difference between black tea and other types of tea, like white and green tea, is that it is more oxidized. Benefits of black tea are: Black tea has extremely low caffeine content,...



Undoubtly, Facebook is losing its teen users to other social network sites such as Instagram. Facebook stated “we believe that some of the users, particularly young users are aware of actively engaging with other products and services similar to,...

Old recipes for hair straightening

Old recipes for hair straightening

Tired of modern tests which are not useful? Did not regain some of the old recipes? It may be more effective on your hair.The old recipes, effective and easy, as well as simple components that will require additional effort, all you have to do is repeat t...

Facing problems with your hair?

Facing problems with your hair?

Hair problems are the first sign that something is going wrong with you internally. Never ignore your hair problems. Dry & brittle hair may show your deficiencies in protein, vitamin A, zinc, essential fatty acid. Oily & greasy hair means de...

Amazon Prime Air

Amazon Prime Air

Amazon which is leading in e-commerce introduced prime air that enables the company to deliver the products in customer’s hand within 30minutes after the order is made. The package is pulled off the lines by the octocopter, and then using GPS it is ...

European fears of the spread of a new virus that affects pig

European fears of the spread of a new virus that affects pig

It is expected that France stop activities relating to import pigs from some countries after growing fears the spread of a deadly new virus that infects pigs.The proportion of deaths piglets between 80 and 100 percent due to virusThe tunnel is about seven...

The God Particle: If Universe is the Answer, What is the Question?

The God Particle: If Universe is the Answer, What is the Question?

 The universe is full of mysteries and it has always fascinated physicists since the beginning of time. Georges Lemaitre, a Belgian astronomer and professor of physics, in 1927 proposed the theory of concerning the origin of the universe which he ...

God of cricket quits Creeze

God of cricket quits Creeze

“It is time “ telling my sole,Sachin’s sensational letter to BCCI declaring his treatment said he announced his retirement aftr 200th test match.Already he had declared his quity from one-day and T20.Really the wonder in cricket Sachin i...

Marketing and Healthy Competition.

Marketing and Healthy Competition.

The task of marketers is to influence the behaviour of customers. To accomplish this goal, marketers have a variety of tools at their disposal. Marketing executives face the challenge of balancing their own best interests in the form of recognition, pay a...

Do we really require nuclear energy?

Do we really require nuclear energy?

If “Yes” is your answer then the question arises why? Even it is “No” then also arises another why? These questions arise because many of us really do not know what is Nuclear Energy or its uses or its drawbacks. Nuclear energy ...

10 common lies that women tell !

10 common lies that women tell !

Women tend to lie when the want to avoid an argument or a confrontation! Sometimes they lie in order to save their relationship or not to hurt men! Some of the common lies that women indulge in are : 1. I wasn't waiting for your call. 2. I am fi...

Nature and Life - A moment to think about!

Nature and Life - A moment to think about!

Human Life can be compared to the four seasons in nature as such as spring, summer, winter and autumn. There is no universal agreement on the definition of life. From birth to death human beings experience the various emotions as the moods of the four sea...

Fifa launches mobile apps

Fifa launches mobile apps

Fifa launched mobile applications for iOS and android users that allow them to get easily updated with the latest happenings in the world of football ,ahead of the World cup 2014 final draw .this application enables us to follow match statistics during th...

Risks resulting from Summer Sun

Risks resulting from Summer Sun

When temperatures rise, it is worth your readiness to receive a set of summer means, notably to identify the risks of sunlight to contend with:1 - Drought:The complaint of drought situation is in the summer is very popular. In extreme cases, it heats up t...

Facing problems in long-distance relationships?

Facing problems in long-distance relationships?

 Many of the distant relationships ends up in breakups. Its not the problem of yours. Just love your partner. We here mentioned fews tips to protect distat relationships. Now technology has made everything more easy. So utilize it in your relat...

Foods to avoid to look young

Foods to avoid to look young

Want to look young and youthful? Then keep an eye on your plate before you leave. What you leave off of your plate is sometimes just as important as the food you’re putting on your plate when it comes to nutrients that can affect your complexio...

Apple CEO on iPhone 5Cs failure

Apple CEO on iPhone 5Cs failure

Apple’s CEO ,Tim cook , told the reasons for failure of iphone5C in the market .It lags one of the most attractive feature of iPhone 5S – fingerprint scanner .He think that associated with the other things that are unique to the 5S, got th...

Way to choose the comfortable dress for your children

Way to choose the comfortable dress for your children

Usually what bother mothers are the way their children dress when they walk with them, They perceive that afflict clothing is the title of their children and Onaguethen, so it should be proud of species and the most expensive, at odds own clothes at home,...

10 Basic Rules In a relationship

10 Basic Rules In a relationship

1) There are only two people… not three! 2) Don’t let your relationship affect your friendships 3) Don’t compare your current partner to your’s a BIG “No-No”! 4) The only person you can control in a re...

Sunflower Oil- The best medicine for your skin!

Sunflower Oil- The best medicine for your skin!

 Many of us don't know the uses of sunflower oil. It is the one of the best medicine for out skin.! Sunflower oil is a natural and healthy way of maintaining a great skin due to its calming and moisturizing properties. It is rich in nutrien...

Skype  accounts allegedly hacked

Skype accounts allegedly hacked

The Syrian Electronic Army (SEA) hacker group appears to have hacked Skype's social media accounts. A Tweet posted on Skype's official Twitter feed on Wednesday read: "Don't use Microsoft emails (hotmail, outlook), They are moni...

Samsung is on its way to make 'SMART-HOMEs'.

Samsung is on its way to make 'SMART-HOMEs'.

Samsung is on its way to make 'SMART-HOMEs'. The current era is what we call 'SMART-ERA'.Everything's smart-phone,watch,car,so why would the Tech Giant leave home?Your camera-enabled-oven will be your housekeeper.Turning off your TV...

Is fast foods harmful for you?

Is fast foods harmful for you?

Fast foods costs generally little and tastes great, however the negative impacts on physical well-being last any longer than these prompt concerns. With the unhealthy dinners come more fat, cholesterol, salt and sugar - and along these lines less vitamins...

How to make better use of time you spend?

How to make better use of time you spend?

Everyone needs to use things beneficially. They don't just want to loose their time for nothing. All knows time is precious. Once its lost we never get the time back! So Better use your time carefully and efficientlyAn important question: How do you s...

Photo of the farthest galaxy captured.!

Photo of the farthest galaxy captured.!

Photo of the farthest galaxy captured.! Hubble Space Telescope has captured a photo of the farthest galaxy found so far.The photo shows the galaxys state 12 billion years ago as light takes that time to come from that galaxy to the HST. NASA will under...

How to stay healthy and energetic all day ?

How to stay healthy and energetic all day ?

It’s not impossible to stay healthy, here are few ways :- 1. Sauna: Instead of getting a massage done go for a sauna. Sauna not only detoxes your body but also opens your sinus pores and helps you to breathe easily. 2. Kissing: You definitely ...

Few things you should avoid during fight

Few things you should avoid during fight

Things you must mind during a fight with your guy. There are few things you should avoid during fight for a lasting relationship Calling their names Avoid calling their names during fight. It shows you don’t respect him.It also can show th...

Right way of cleansing your face

Right way of cleansing your face

For everthing we do there is a correct manner to do it. Below we have mentioned fews way to clean your face  Take off your makeup This can be done by makeup remover , baby oil and so on. Its very essential to remove the makeup before you go...

Does husband lose interest on wife after pregnancy?

Does husband lose interest on wife after pregnancy?

Studies have shown that women feel that their husbands lose interest on them after pregnancy. Men can solve this problem by taking few steps . Fun things for a husband to do after childbirth Make morning bed tea for her .it would generate smile o...

Want to make your relationship stronger?

Want to make your relationship stronger?

There are ways to make your relationship stronger. If u feel you relationship is not strong just read the post below.: Main way to improve your relationship is make sure your love and commitment come first. Self love is important. Make sure you ...

New style of Samsung Galaxy Ace

New style of Samsung Galaxy Ace

Company Samsung smart phone among its category called Galaxy Ace Style with 4-inch screen and the latest version operating system known as the Kit Kat Unveils. This smart phone mainly targets the youth.The Korean company has officially presented its new p...



China’s Yuan has overtaken the euro to the second most used currency in int’l trade finance. The society for worldwide interbank financial telecommunication (SWIFT) said the market share of the Yuan in traditional trade finance reached 8.86 pe...

Social Networking Site Worldfloat offers over 50000 movies for user.!

Social Networking Site Worldfloat offers over 50000 movies for user.!

Social networking site Worldfloat introduced free movie service claimed on Sunday that it now offers more than 50,000 films in English, Hindi and several regional Indian languages including Tamil, Telugu, Bengali and Marathi. This will probably increase s...

Are you Suffering from bad breathe?

Are you Suffering from bad breathe?

 How to keep your breathe fresh? Many of them face this problem and affects their confidence level . Do you suffer from it? Here are few steps to get rid of this problem Water: Gargle with water .hydration is one of the solutions for dehydratio...

Simple ways to get a flatter belly !

Simple ways to get a flatter belly !

1. Warm up exercises is a must. Loosening your muscles are extremely important before working-out! A few stretches will do the trick. 2. Start slow. You cannot start of doing 50 crunches. Start it slow and increase the intensity by and by. 3. Breath...

Sunanda Pushkar: A case of unnatural, sudden death.-Docotors

Sunanda Pushkar: A case of unnatural, sudden death.-Docotors

Sunanda Pushkar was found dead in her suite at the Leela Palace hotel on Friday evening.  Her sudden death create a lot of mysterious for the people as well as for the police. It is also reported that Sunanda was not well and she used wheel chair whe...

iPhone 5S outselling 5C by three to one

iPhone 5S outselling 5C by three to one

The iPhone 5C is found to be cheaper than iPhone 5S but this cheapness may not lead to more popularity .now its found that 5C is being outsold by its more expensive iPhone 5S brother by a ratio of three to one .but 5C attracts a wider audience , specifica...

Burn more calories with Each Step.!

Burn more calories with Each Step.!

Here’s how to boost your calorie-burn big time—without much extra effort.! Use your arms Moving your hands fastly will help you to burn calories Take smaller steps The best way to boost your speed and thus your burn is to...

Ways to get healthy and shiny hair from your kitchen

Ways to get healthy and shiny hair from your kitchen

Below is the 5 healthy ways to get healthy and shiny hair.:Natural oilsThe use of natural oils to massage the hair is the oldest natural way to gloss and smoothness of hair. You can use olive oil, coconut oil or almond oil or a mixture of these oils ...

Signs which shows you are too attached to him

Signs which shows you are too attached to him

Many couples are over attached to each other and it create many problems between the couples. Here below we have mention some ways to identify wheather you are more attached to your partner.  Expecting text from your loved one every day is very...

5 things to avoid from girls.!

5 things to avoid from girls.!

Girls are hard to understand…and even harder to know what has pissed them off!! They expect you to use super brains and know what’s wrong just by sensing the tension In the air! If a girl is mad…you really don’t want to be the re...

Why coin collection is a good hobby?

Why coin collection is a good hobby?

Most people interact in several activities that they take into account hobbies. once folks take into account a selected activity as a hobby, it implies that folks realize that activity enjoyable in this they relish grouping totally different varieties of ...

Drinks you must use.!

Drinks you must use.!

Without a doubt, taking diverse drinks of water taken up tea, coffee or fruit juice not only colorful and delicious delight and joy will be our cause but can be succulent and healthy life will bring moreBut one thing that always gets lost, the amount of t...

Flight Simulator:Give you feel of flying like a bird

Flight Simulator:Give you feel of flying like a bird

It's everyone's dream to fly like a bird. Now you can also get such a feeling of flying in the air.!To experience the feeling of flying with its wings to experience real, only one headset is not enough and have lots more in mind. Plus you need to ...

A Glass Planet Similar to Earth discovered

A Glass Planet Similar to Earth discovered

A hotter and puffier version of earth has been spotted circling a distant's called KOI-314c,located about 200 light-years away and has almost the same mass as earth.but its atmosphere is extremely thick and this makes it 60% larger than earth,...

Want to reduce the amount of fat intake?

Want to reduce the amount of fat intake?

Eating too much fats causes many health problems. Here are few ways to cut the intake of fat: Replace Full fat dairy foods by low fat dairy foods.Use low-fat cheese, yogurt, milk and sour cream and your overall fat intake will drop dramatically....

Philippine police announced arrest of a network of online sexual extortion

Philippine police announced arrest of a network of online sexual extortion

Philippine police announced the arrest of dozens of people suspected of involvement in the formation of a gang committing sexual extortion operations online.Police said the defendants persuaded people from other countries to strip naked in front of camera...

Very important secrets in weight loss

Very important secrets in weight loss

 Overall secrets in weight loss : Only exercise won’t help you in losing weight. It must be paired with balanced diet. Include more vegetables and fruits in diet and keep fast food aside. If you are uncertain whether something you are abo...

Do you want to look young?

Do you want to look young?

Both men and women put immense efforts to look young and remove wrinkles. Food experts recommend you to opt for health food for healthy skin. There are few foods which you must include in your diet  Leafy greens Leafy greens such as spinach, ka...

Some reasons why you should not get back with your ex

Some reasons why you should not get back with your ex

Don’t go behind your ex. We here provide the reasons why u shouldn’t go behind your ex. Why simply wasting time on your ex. It’s better to live your life with better partners. So check out these tips. : Don’t go back to a per...

Stress in pregnancy increases the risk of asthma in kids

Stress in pregnancy increases the risk of asthma in kids

At the same time, increasing the stress level of these diseases is also higher. But so far as per the evidence, there was no relationship between stress during pregnancy and asthma or eczema. Australian researchers for further study in 1587 examined th...

Pleasure of reading.!

Pleasure of reading.!

The joy of reading books can’t be described in words. It is something that we can understand only through experience. Reading books gives us a break from all the chaos of life. It makes us relaxed and also gives and exercises to our brain during the...

Simple ways to stay in shape

Simple ways to stay in shape

Its everyone's wish to look in perfect shape. As we have said you many different to look fit already. Below are some simple tips which all can follow. Don’t sit for a long time If you have habit of sitting for a long time in front of...

Bangladesh about to fly its 1st drone

Bangladesh about to fly its 1st drone

A group of researchers of Shahjalal University of Science and Technology,Bangladesh inform that they are about to launch the first ever drone of their country in April.The chief researcher,Rezoanul Haque Nabil,M.Sc. student informs that they could perhaps...

Users say that apple iphone 5s is loosing accuracy of their touchID

Users say that apple iphone 5s is loosing accuracy of their touchID

IPhone 5S has been in the market since 3 months and many owners have started complaining that it is losing accuracy of their touchID .they are forced to rescan their fingers on a number of occasions due to degradation in the Touch Id sensor’s abilit...

How to tackle difficult situations?

How to tackle difficult situations?

It’s very important if you have a positive group to help you to tackle difficult situations. Having a positive group will help you to stay positive in negative situations. They will transfer the positive energy and help you to see the brighter s...

Few things men doesn't wants to hear from you !

Few things men doesn't wants to hear from you !

There are so many things that a guy doesn’t wants to hear from a woman . Irrespective of that your guy is so understanding and coolest guy in the world, he may not appreciate few things to be heard. Here are few statements which a girl always...

How to keep your children motivated?

How to keep your children motivated?

Every parents will get confused in the ways the choose to motivate your children. So here you go with few tips which help you to know how you should motivate your kidsInitial enthusiasm in when college activities tends to wane when the first exciteme...

Women Must Read this! Share this.!

Women Must Read this! Share this.!

This article was written by a COP .! We just share it in the name of humanity.! WRITTEN BY A COP: Everyone should take 5 minutes to read this. It may save your life or a loved one's life. In daylight hours, refresh yourself of these things to do in...

Is Green tea cosmetically beneficial for you?

Is Green tea cosmetically beneficial for you?

There are many health benefits of tea Verde  but what about the cosmetic benefits?Green tea can be considered as a buffer for the integrated benefits of the skin. It contains a great deal of antioxidants that are effective against free radi...

Mark Zuckerburg feels grateful as Facebook celebrates its 10th Anniversary

Mark Zuckerburg feels grateful as Facebook celebrates its 10th Anniversary

Mark Zuckerburg said that it was an amazing journey with Facebook. He feels happy as Facebook celebrated its 10th anniversary yesterday. Facebook is world largest social networking site with more than 1.2 billion users worldwide. It is celebrating its ...

Facing problems with Acne?

Facing problems with Acne?

Many people faces this problem acne is not all life threatening but threatens our confidence level. So it’s very essential to take adequate steps to get rid of acne than making it more complicated. Few measures can help you in this. Acne can be solv...

UN warns military escalation in northern Yemen.

UN warns military escalation in northern Yemen.

Accused the security committee in Amran governorate Houthi gunmen attacked a security checkpoint control and killing and capturing a number of soldiers , in the latest twist to the confrontations there at the time called for the United Nations avoiding es...

South Africa steal the show as they beat India for 10 wickets

South Africa steal the show as they beat India for 10 wickets

South Africa steal the show as they beat India for 10 wickets is the second test at Durban. The win gave Jacques Kallis a perfect sent off by his Proteas team mates. India managed to clear the required score just before lunch, but South Africa ...

Do not fear the social media: Ruler of Saudi Arabia

Do not fear the social media: Ruler of Saudi Arabia

King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz King of Saudi Arabia said in a speech delivered on his behalf by the Minister of Culture and Information Dr. Abdulaziz Khoja at the opening of the summit of the Asian 11 Media in Jeddah, that «social media began to take ...

Is Samsung Galaxy S5 better than iPhone 5S?

Is Samsung Galaxy S5 better than iPhone 5S?

It's question for all of you which phone is better? Below is a comparison between Samsung Galaxy S5 or Apple iPhone 5s? Water resistance IPhone 5S is not water resistance while Samsung galaxy S5 is. The Samsung has IP67 certification ma...

How to get over the depression due to anxiety?

How to get over the depression due to anxiety?

A lot of individuals who are exerting an excessive amount of of their brain power sometimes exhaust not solely their physical strength once partaking in varied multi-tasking activities, they additionally tend to over extend their brains up to the purpose ...

Oh! My Fantasy

Oh! My Fantasy

A simple poem .! Just read and enjoy.   Oh! My Fantasy  Oh! Fantasy, you are my aspirations, You provide me & always protect me from hurdles , From the hazards & zigzag ring of life, From the rough & tough realities of life...

What is the secret for having a successful married life?

What is the secret for having a successful married life?

The researchers suggested that the chances of a happy married life increases when the husband and wife believed in the importance of participating in a home business.This study also revealed that the happiness will not last long if one of the partners fel...

Victoria Beckham refuses to design wedding dress

Victoria Beckham refuses to design wedding dress

 News reports said on Thursday, that the famous British fashion designer and former singer Victoria Beckham, refused dress design wedding American actress and reality television star Kim Cardchian famous .The site ( Kontact Music)...

Little Master Sachin Tendulkar receives Bharat Ratna

Little Master Sachin Tendulkar receives Bharat Ratna

Master Blaster Sachin Ramesh Tendulkar receives Bharat Ratna from the President. Sachin become the first sportsmen to receive this award. Sachin said after award ceremony that it is his "greatest honour" and said he "will continue to bat...

FIA confirms Todt re-elected for another four-years

FIA confirms Todt re-elected for another four-years

Jean todt will remain in the position as president of FIA after he facing an unchallenged election. He was selected in a meeting in Paris on Friday. this is his second four year term .it is  most prominent role is in the licensing and arbitration of ...

Tips to help your kids study better.

Tips to help your kids study better.

Experts say that the teaching children at an early age to follow the daily routine of the study can help them cope better when academic burden on them increases. We offer you some important tips to help children to do homework without problems or tantrums...

Mozilla to launch $25 Firefox phones in India

Mozilla to launch $25 Firefox phones in India

It seems that Mozilla isn't able to quit on its Firefox OS at the same time as an oversized range of brands address cheap  robot smartphones.The foundation has declared a tie-up with Indian French telephone brands Intex and Spice, to bring the pr...

Intel Edison: SD Card or a Computer

Intel Edison: SD Card or a Computer

Is it a SD Card or a Computer? World-famous chip making company Intel is bringing a computer of the size of an SD Card.they call it 'Edison' and they've shown a model of it in the Consumer Electronics Show.the CEO of Intel mentioned it as a...

Your partner can effect your decisions

Your partner can effect your decisions

A study revealed that the behavior of self-control exercised by your partner can affect your decision-making process. The research found that in the relationship that people have with high level of self-control partners tend to make better decisions,...

Kallis Steps out the crease as South Africa Wins the Test Series

Kallis Steps out the crease as South Africa Wins the Test Series

Kallis gained century with 115 runs on his retiring test match that which Sachin the batting genius failed portrait on his last test match.Kallis was a cricketing legend who showed his cricket skills throughout his career. Very beautiful 13 boundaries ...

Skin care Tips which women should know about.!

Skin care Tips which women should know about.!

There are specific skincare tips for women in their 20s that most of us don’t give priority. Maybe they are not far out of teenage years or near to 30s, there are few things that women in 20s should follow. Women in 20s face a lot of stress, graduat...

Few things that really matter men

Few things that really matter men

Your smile It reflects how happy you are with him .they become satisfied when you are happy . they feel that they do their best as husband or boyfriend . This seems like such a little thing . If your guy sees you smile, it makes him feel good Re...

Makeup inspired by World cup

Makeup inspired by World cup

With the approach of the biggest and most important event for this year- 2014 World Cup, it is not limited to the participating teams only but beyond that. To the fans, we find that the cheerleading competition began to increase day by day. Where the fans...

English-The impulse

English-The impulse

This is a poem by Sonu.! We just share it. English  The impulse to learn English Is something that can replenish?   The sentences from your hear To make you perfect and smart.   The word in literature Right from...

Social networking within the twinkle of eyes! is it a dream?

Social networking within the twinkle of eyes! is it a dream?

Social networking within the twinkle of eyes! Is it a dream? Maybe not.because Washington based startup Innovega is coming up with a natural platform called iOptik that promises how we share social networks.its a 2-part-system,depending on special cont...

Say NO to being a competitive parent.!

Say NO to being a competitive parent.!

Some parents have the habit of comparing their kids to others. 'If she can do it, why can't you' , 'if she came first, why couldn't you' . Parents, please! Stop pressurizing your kids. Being a competitive parent is when you cons...

Tips for dealing with strict parents

Tips for dealing with strict parents

All children and adolescents believe that they have strict parents, but sometimes it can go out of control and become unbearable. But remember that the stricter parents may sometimes be caused by something you've done or acted recently or sometimes th...

Strange things that guys could find attractive on us

Strange things that guys could find attractive on us

There are few strange things that guys could find attractive on us:- Does it mean he wants to see his girl afraid? Not at all! When you read this article you may find it so awful. But when a guy see a girl little afraid, he gets attracted to you .it...

Which is best mobile handset in terms of battery?

Which is best mobile handset in terms of battery?

A lot about battery life, especially in portable devices has been published, all of the importance of the quality and longevity of the batteries. Without a doubt, the more battery capacity and life span in devices such as Smartphones, netbooks, and tablet...

Anti-Theft System will be activated in Samsung Phones.

Anti-Theft System will be activated in Samsung Phones.

According to reports received from Samsung, the Korean company's latest smartphone in order to prevent the theft of two special security guard on it has used. The world's largest manufacturer of mobile phone users has announced that they either...

Supreme Court commuted the death penalty of Rajiv Gandhi's killers to life term

Supreme Court commuted the death penalty of Rajiv Gandhi's killers to life term

 The Supreme Court commuted the death penalty of Rajiv Gandhi's killers to life term citing the delay as killers were seeking mercy for past 11 years.  The three convicts on death row in the Rajiv Gandhi assassina...



INDIA CAN BE A WORLD LEADER IN EDUCATION IF WE DISCOVER THE WILL AND LEADERSHIP TO TAKE US TO THAT PINNACLE, SAYS PRESIDENT The President of India, Shri Pranab Mukherjee addressed the Conference of Vice Chancellors of Central Universities (CUs) at Rash...

Removing smoking scenes from TV shows may help in Reducing Smoking

Removing smoking scenes from TV shows may help in Reducing Smoking

New research shows that smoking scenes in TV show that is less than before, because it can reduce the impact of non-player smoking scenes to be America. Penn researchers investigating the use of cigarettes more than 1,800 hours of original programming ...

Happy New Year to all.!

Happy New Year to all.!

When a bird is alive, it eats ants. When the bird is dead, the ants eat the bird.  Time and circumstances can change at any time, don't devalue or hurt anyone in life.   You may be powerful today, but remember time is more powerful t...

Early interruption of the menstrual cycle puts the hearts of women at risk

Early interruption of the menstrual cycle puts the hearts of women at risk

In a study, the first of its kind, researchers found that women entering the menopause (PMS) in their early between 40 and 45 years, become more vulnerable to heart problems due to the inability of the heart to pump enough blood to meet the body's nee...

Several things which men will never tell you

Several things which men will never tell you

There are many things which a guy will never tell you. Below we say about some situations: They want you to like their friends but to love them. Don’t be over attached to them, they may not like it. A man would want his girlfriend to get along...

apple has been awarded a patent for facial recognition technology .

apple has been awarded a patent for facial recognition technology .

Apple has been awarded a patent for a system for using facial recognition on mobile or desktop .this is similar to android face unlock option ,which did not receive much attention .it  can used to control the device by facial expressions  . Appl...

Driving Ability May loose strength With Age in HIV-Positive Adults

Driving Ability May loose strength With Age in HIV-Positive Adults

In recent research it is known that middle-aged people and older people with HIV-positive over time in their mental abilities are in trouble on the driving power, they also have a negative impact.The research on AIDS patients, 26 adult at the age of 40 ye...

Do you need a cheap and efficient tablet? Then Choose Acer Iconia A1-830

Do you need a cheap and efficient tablet? Then Choose Acer Iconia A1-830

Recently released tablet from Acer called Iconia A1-830 Company that has been in the market despite its low price, discount seed within their design and operation, there is a negative thing.The stone tablet is designed for Acer designers all have shared w...

What you think about your crush?

What you think about your crush?

There are some thoughts we all have about our crushes when we’re in the same room as them. Even if we're supposed to be focused on something else, it’s hard to concentrate when a gorgeous guy is nearby. Suppose if the guy also feel the sam...

8 things girls notice about guys!

8 things girls notice about guys!

1) Height Asian girls are generally short so what we don’t have.. we look for in our partner!! A tall guy is easily noticeable and stands out in a crowd! A tall guy is always appreciated… but taller than necessary maybe a turn off! So boy,...

Valentine's Day after a breakup

Valentine's Day after a breakup

Valentine's Day after a breakup can be one of the most frustrating times of the year. Maybe it seems so difficult  to tackle the situation when you see your friend with their partner and enjoying valentine’s day , memories arises from o...

Breakfast, the main meal a day

Breakfast, the main meal a day

In a survey conducted, it was concluded that 70% of the people never had time for a family breakfast at home and 1 out of every 3 people never had breakfast at all due to the lack of time during their jobs and studies. Breakfast is the most important m...

Never do a charcoal grill !

Never do a charcoal grill !

The experts say low-fat grilling method to cook food, but should be aware that if too much is consumed grilled meat cancer risk at will. These studies indicate that Kebab juicy burgers and especially in the case of char and coal contain carcinogenic subst...

The next generation USB plug : smaller and reversible

The next generation USB plug : smaller and reversible

As gadgets are becoming more thinner, the next generation USB will be smaller and slimmer .the upcoming connector ,called type-c is designed for the USB  3.1 specification and scheduled to be finalized by the middle of 2014. It can move data at 10 gi...

Small Tips for taking advantage of a married girlfriend

Small Tips for taking advantage of a married girlfriend

There are no longer many girlfriends as before, and the girl just close friend or two at most, go out together, they talk about a lot of things, but what if I married this friendly?Does not want to marry!In the study of Brazilian, Brazilian social experts...

Preity Zinta gonna hits the screens again!

Preity Zinta gonna hits the screens again!

Actress-businesswoman Preity Zinta, whose current legal conflict with ex-beau ground Wadia scorched the headlines, is about to form a comeback with Neeraj Pathak's "Bhaiyyaji", during which she plays a fierce brigand.The film will feature Su...

Drinks for long and shiny hair!

Drinks for long and shiny hair!

The protein found in milk in large quantities is your way to get healthy hair.That long hair is the dream of women, and which seeks to achieve in different ways for the crowning her beauty, but the results may not be satisfactory to her always, and may ta...

Signs and symptoms of arthritis of the neck

Signs and symptoms of arthritis of the neck

Arthritis of the neck to a variety of reasons. the changes that occur in a person's spinecould cause problems for the body. But these changes are caused by? One of th...

How to impress your guys's parents?

How to impress your guys's parents?

It’s not impossible to impress your to-best but it’s not easy either. Here are 10 steps to impress you guys parents! 1. Dress appropriately: It’s very important to dress according to the family culture but that does not mean that...

Few things couples should be aware of to make this valentines day special!

Few things couples should be aware of to make this valentines day special!

In order to make this valentine’s day a memorable day , there  are few things couples should be aware .:- All want to surprise their lover in the best manner as possible . But remember of the place where you are. No one likes to spot coup...

Natural Beauty Therapy

Natural Beauty Therapy

Oily skin, open pores and reddish skin is always a problem for people in hot humid weather. Here are some natural products that will shrink your pores making your skin less oily and red. 1. Applying rosewater or rose oil on the face reduces irritation ...

5 fragrances that calms and improves mood

5 fragrances that calms and improves mood

Few fragrances that can help u relax as well as keep you home filled with aromatic scents. If you have not yet experimented about which fits the mood, we will help you to choose:Lavender : It is very common component of massage, it is known that the smell...

How to impress woman in first impression?

How to impress woman in first impression?

Woman notice a few things about men in their first impression. Physical appearance: Your physical appearance is what a lady notices within the first few minutes after meeting you. From your height and weight to your hair, eyes and nails. So guys make s...

Fat-burning exercises for a very flat tummy

Fat-burning exercises for a very flat tummy

If you thought solely crunches will provide you with washboard abs, go over. Here area unit some fat-burning exercises that area unit even higher.Losing fat on the belly is that the hardest, they say. And once you need to strengthen your core and lose the...

Researchers developed a  solution to batteries dying out in cell phones !!

Researchers developed a solution to batteries dying out in cell phones !!

Many of us face problem with the battery life of our mobile .maybe this new invention may bring about a change to this problem .there are many approaches to improve the battery life like huge batteries or can improve the efficiency of chips, wireless modu...

America: 50 per cent increase in sexual harassment

America: 50 per cent increase in sexual harassment

U.S. Department of Defense, the Pentagon, Announced  that the proportion of sexual assaults in the U.S. military rose by 50 per cent, according to the statistics of this year.The Pentagon attributed the increase to encourage victims of sexual assault...



The research done by the sociologists ,it says that ,today’s ,using social media Web sites is the most common activity among the children and adolescents. Any Web site that  allows social interaction is considered a social media site, including...

Yemeni farm to adopt Federalism

Yemeni farm to adopt Federalism

A source close to the cartel said southern Yemeni leaders abroad, actively accelerating preparations for a meeting in the Egyptian capital of Cairo in the coming days, attended by southern leaders and activists. The source close to the farm (Southern...